Culpable manslaughter paid by the mandatory license fee. Hope this triggers major reform and scrutiny of the lack of governance and profligate ways. Needs to start with the removal of the license fee and the introduction of market forces, only way to change the 'above the law' culture.
Scandalous how they procured the interview, but she was hardly an unwilling participant!! Ridiculous for it to be linked (and to be fair, it's only her brother making that spurious connection!) to her death in a car crash due to a speeding driver being chased by paps because she was getting poked by Dodi Fayed.... But no, it's the BBC's fault....
Yes it was a bit poor and ive never luvd the n arlass av always wondered how they became kings in first place, either hard as a coffin nail or had plenty of mates either way plenty of violence. Or maybe there truly are aliens.
Doesn't go far enough for me this, mate. Compensation should be paid to anyone that's had to watch anything from the BRAINWASHING CORPORATION since 1857. Martin Bashir should be forced to live with Harry and Megan for the next TEN YEARS. The BBC should be renamed the GBBC (because we are GREAT) and it should be paid for by OWEN JONES'S salary and consist solely of intellectual titans Alex Neil and Young Nudger (24/7 and 7 days week) destroying the WOKE lefties' POLITICAL CORRECTNESS with FACTS and LOGIC.
Spot on. I saw Peter Sissons on the back of a moped wielding a laser pointer on the night in question.
Utter utter rubbish. How can you blame the entire BBC for the actions of one over ambitious journalist?
More than the Sun? More than the fascist Mail? The BBC may indeed be responsible for a journalist that’s used questionable tactics but culpable for murder ?? Really ?? The BBC haters will be out in force no doubt about that and since the Tory’s took over they certainly have appointed nodding dogs into the corporation these past couple of years . The Media companies that’s attacking the BBC for competition reasons or just want a piece of the mega bucks it’s from dividing it up are out in force . The phone hacking from these charlatans was ten times the crime of the BBC especially to the poor parents of Milly Dowler but they’d want you to forget that in their crusade against a public broadcaster .
Well, the village idiot position on here has been unfilled for a couple of months. Strong candidate this one though.