When do young, hungry, up-and-coming journalists go from wanting to find the truth and bring justice to the world to hacking the mobiles of dead teenagers, lying openly in print and printing any old ballacks?
Not sure mate. I don't think some of them ever do start out like that. It's just another example of the pretty desperate and tawdry world we live in.
The only person responsible for her death is her jug eared ex husband. If he'd stood by her and given her the support she so obviously needed instead of wanting to be hoss face's tampax she would be alive today. I hate the royal family and all it stands for and have always said she was nothing more than a sacrificial virgin who was discarded once she'd served her purpose. She probably knew some of the more unpleasant "secrets" about the inbreds as well. Hateful parasites.
If you are a Sun reader then you will be against all aspects of the BBC because Sun readers listen to outrageous bits of untruth's condemning the BBC at every opportunity and yet if you buy a Sun newspaper 5 days a week at the end of the year your bill would be £157 and to buy a TV licence which covers 7 days a week for 1 year would cost £159. Just saying like.
Bizarre. The only people truly responsible for her death are the paparazzi who chased her through a tunnel at speed causing an accident. When any married couple get divorced do you act the same way?