I understand the concept of BMI, and how it is innacurately skewed for muscular sportspeople. I wonder if this lad will make it to being as old as Arnie is now?
Watched another at Beres in Sheffield, they do really nice sandwiches, but why are Dee dahs obsessed with pork
I don’t disagree with a lot of what you said here, but I bet he’s doing alright financially from it. 10,000 views is about $30 as raw numbers, but a good rule of thumb is $1000 for about a million views (or $1 for 1,000 views if you prefer). It varies by content and also by things like how many people use Adblock etc. But $1k/million is a good low end baseline for decent size channels. He’s got 15 million views on his Channel, I wouldn’t be shocked if he’s made about £10k from the channel at least. Nothing to sniff at. Is it worth the damage he’s likely doing to his body? That’s not for me or you to decide, but it’s hardly “a few pence”
Once again I think you need to have a word with yourself DannyWilson. He’s a Barnsley lad who recently lost his wife and now works and does YouTube videos to support his family and have a bit of fun. If you watch one you’ll see he doesn’t eat it all. He’s a nice fella by all accounts. No need for some of your comments.
It's not just Youtube though, you get a Patreon account, and then you do some sort of sponsorship and before you know if you've got a career. And generally (regardless of rights and wrongs), if it's an attractive woman in the video, you'll often find an OnlyFans link. I suspect that's where the real money is.
Not quite, but he does have a dietician to help him with his off screen eating habits, the lads a gem.
Actually tempted to try that out after that video. That Dolly's in the market (another video) deserves a look too. Have to ask though, what's with the house that was sat in front of .... just a corridor!