a Leeds fan, Liverpool fan and a Man Utd fan, I know that sounds bad but to be fair they’re all really rooting for Barnsley but he’s the dilemma....we’re going out at 11-30 so 1, is it acceptable to have a soft drink in between pints cos I don’t want to be totally hammered by ko 2 is it acceptable to go out with a Leeds fan, Liverpool fan and a Man Utd fan.
1. Absolutely, it's extending the drinking session by spacing them out (remember, it keeps making you drunk after you finish drinking it) 2. Can't help you there. It's on your own conscious
1. Yes 2a. No 2b. Yes as long as he doesn't mention Gary Willard and/or the PL game at Oakwell 2c. Yes as long as you take the **** out of him for knocking them out of the FA Cup in 1998 Hope that helps mate
You’d be more than welcome pal but we’re going back to one of the lads houses to watch the game mate, we couldn’t get in anywhere in town,
If they're from Barnsley you shouldn't be fraternising with such treacherous individuals. Do not be embarrassing the town and club by drinking any soft drinks whatsoever, just sit at the side of a big plant pot.
1. Acceptable on this occasion, and only this once, as we need you sharp and on the ball for the Majority Report: we can’t have you slurring your typing can we? 2. Just keep an eye on your wallet, avoid the prawn sandwiches and if you see any orange buckets hide them. Nothing like a bit of stereotyping on a Saturday morning
Leeds fan, Liverpool fan & a Man Utd fan walk into a bar...it was an iron bar, well it was me swinging the iron bar