I'll be watching at my dad's again. We have a terrible record whenever I go to that trouble, so I was going to watch at home. However he won't get to see the match, unless I turn up with my laptop.
Have you seen some of Paul's previous girlfriends? If I said they were absolutely stunning, it'd be doing them a disservice! I've no idea how the barmy bugger does it, but he does it nonetheless.
I’m planning something similar with today’s papers to read during the boring bits (first two games obviously). Then I shall have some baked salmon with green beans and Jersey Royals cooked and ready for 6 o’clock. I like this kind of Saturday.
Are you in the Beggar a Gent again? Looks like you've got some offers. Get some dog portrait orders while you're there.
Not so local boozer. Popping through to Cudworth with my mates. Nobody to sup with in Crookes, and no guarantee of the match being on deep in Dee Dah territory.