Should be a decent final, I'll stick my neck out and go for a Brentford win. As for us, a very good season and now we try and build on it.
Well played Swansea quite an achievement to have only played about 60mins out of two football matches.
Palmer will prove to be a top player, he's looked good ever time I've watched him, I really can't fault any of our boys at all, all season they've shown skill, guts, work ethic and a desire to win, no negatives from me only lorry loads of positives.
Not sure if I'm ready to say "well done Swansea". A lot of cycnical gamesmanship - falling over at slightest touch, Hourihane clutching his head when Mowatt had (only) battered his back, keeper lying on the floor with the ball under him for 5 mins at a time to see the clock down. I'll be happy to see Brentford beat that lot.
I'm in total agreement, Dike was fouled constantly but the ref kept giving free kicks to Swansea. Even the Sky commentators agreed on a couple.
You're an absolute charmer, I can tell. What on earth is wrong with you?? This is a forum, where people are allowed to express opinions, and after such a disappointing performance tonight, you'd expect some negativity. It's quite possible to think we've had a great season, but also rightly think the display tonight was poor - the two things are not mutually exclusive!! You need to grow up a little.
I’m drawing the line at congratulating them. They deserved to go through, but I hope they get smashed 5-0 by Brentford
Unfortunately they had the measure of us in all games played this season... So credit were credit is due sour grapes from me nows not the time We've had a very good season So we'll done boys for this seasons effort