Whatever you say about Cummings, that's been an absolutely shocking and explosive session from someone who saw things first hand. Think of how the media played Brown vs Blair for years after both had left office and wonder how long this spat will be allowed to see the light of day with our media. This should lead to sackings, resignations and prosecutions. Will it.....? I very much doubt it.
I can’t disagree with that and Starmer has missed many opportunities to have a verbal at him . But the only people responsible for This inept corrupt narcissistic arrogant excuse of a government are the electorate . The things thus lot have done Is there for all to see but the public went out and voted for them in local and by-elections . That’s not the opposition not being able to lay the obvious blame but people voting or not voting whichever way you look at it to let them back in . Votes should be for the record and competence of the government not because the opposition are rubbish at talking in parliament . People who have lost loved ones actually voted them back in and I have first hand knowledge of this so their other failures didn’t even register . I lost a loved one during this pandemic directly because of the confusion this lot sowed and the misinformation ,
My take from the entire session is I wish we're being lead by Mayor Larry Vaughan of Amity. Yep people died, he wore a terrible anchor covered blazer. But I reckon after 4 dead he might have eventually shut the beaches and got the message.
Hancock already committed to front it out tomorrow, twice. An urgent question and then doing a briefing at 5pm, flanked by Witty and Vallance I suspect. And a government spokesperson essentially said they won't be commenting on Cummings' allegations. Treat the public like mugs, lie through your teeth, siphon off as much money as you can for your mates, get the votes regardless. I've never known times like it.
Failure all over the world... Except those countries that did it properly you mean? I can't believe you still genuinely think that lockdowns don't work and that doing nothing is the better approach. You're persistent I'll give you that.
The idea that people believe a word coming out of the UK's biggest liars moth just because they don't like the Tories is absolutely crazy. I hate bozo and his mates but to give ANY credibility to the man who laughed in all our faces last year and lied to us repeatedly is about the dumbest thing I've ever heard
To be fair, he chucked himself under the bus as well as his former employers and seemed to excessively accept blame himself. Some things should be taken with a pinch of salt, and there is undoubted hubris in how he's playing this, but at the same time, there is evident truth to parts of it. The question is, does he actually have evidence, documents and recordings, to prove this irrefutably, or will it just ebb away as he said she said, like so many of the stories of lies and corruption that surround the Prime Minister? Forget policies and party politics, it doesn't serve the collective nation well to have someone like DePfeffel in power.
I agree, I completely hate him and he shouldn't be in power. I just think it's a joke that such a self centred person as Cummings is being believed. He's as bad as the buffoon he worked for
Agree - Cummings original reasons for going to Barnard Castle was very odd but the embellishment he added to those reasons today were bizarre.
I agree that Starmer will probably not succeed as Labour leader given that people have swallowed the bait of personality politics. But I'm not sure what "success" would look like at this point given an emasculated Parliament with a huge Tory majority (courtesy of Corbyn) and a ban on publicly-addressed meetings.
Most of the country has zero interest pmqs. Where it actually matters Starmer offers nothing. He can’t outpoll someone who has deliberately killed 10s of thousands of our citizens.
Yes it is. It's MY watering can. If the dog had asked, then no problem. But it didn't. Just got its nose right in there and took what it wanted. Like its owner.
It matters when like say Marcus Rashford you challenge the govt and get them to change policy by offering alternatives and getting the message to people. the real world where opposing the govt makes a difference to people’s real lives. Rashford has supplied the only meaningful opposition to Johnson. Pmqs is a charade played out for the Westminster press bubble. It’s meaningless.
Johnson and Cummings are psychopaths. Working together both were prepared to engage in any deception necessary to increase their power. Then one psychopath got shut of the other. The psychopath that was got shut of dishes the dirt on the other. Simples.
How many tens of thousands more would be dead in the UK alone if we hadn't locked down? It doesn't bear thinking about. It's just a pity the buffoon went down the Trump route and f***ed it up. A lot more people would still be alive.
In terms of outlining policies. Communicating those policies. Mobilising support and changing govt policy yes. He has achieved far more the Keir and didn’t seem hampered by his majority.
But it shouldn’t be dismissed as a grudge as the media will be trying no doubt . The charges are serious and the repercussions from the govts actions may have cost the lives of thousands of our loved ones and Cost the economy more than it should . The accusations should be investigated thoroughly .