Yep definitely risky for them, always a danger of something unforeseen happening a la Wigan when external funding is the main source of income. Hopefully we steer clear of that kind of thing and carry on trying to progress in a way that’s a bit more manageable, even if it does take longer
Wow pinnock and moore should have been 8million in total moore was top scorer and still had 2 year left almost relegated us that decision.
He went on the tour to Germany didn't he? Everyone thought he was staying then 5 days before the window shut with no replacement we sell for a poor fee.
Yes, and he was sat watching the first game in the stand, we sold for what we could get I imagine. If I remember rightly it was over 4 million quid
But the accounts suggest we only got 8.2 million for him pinnock and lindsay so 2million for lindsay 2.2 million for pinnock? That's even worse pinnock one of the best center halfs I've seen at oakwell.
Might they be only accounting for what they received for the players in the year, and not future payments? Are those in the creditors (I’ve not looked at the accounts)? So they don’t pay corporation tax as they haven’t declared a profit when they haven’t yet received the cash?
Yes I’d think. I’m no expert on corporate finances, but I’d imagine the trading losses over the last few years are largely offset by money the club is owed.
Even though the transfer fees paid and received are rarely paid up front the total is recognised through a combination of the cash received and as a debtor or creditor. So in lay man’s terms all the agreed value is captured in the accounts. The exception being future sell on fees and other contingent fees.
No expert on finances whatsoever. ( not bad in my own little world . But not business ) But found this. Below. For the avoidance of doubt, clubs that are able to will often offer to pay the entire transfer feeup front, as this is a benefit to the selling club and a bargaining chip. For large transfer fees, however, the fees are usually paid in regular instalments over a year or two So I don’t know how the accounting works. What is the advantage of including monies not received? Also. is it quite possible we are still owed money for Moore if a balance was owing and wasn’t paid before Wigan went into administration. Even though it will have to be paid to exit administration. As an FA/EFL demand.
i wasn’t aware anyone on here was involved working with or in hedge funds, perhaps you could enlighten us all further who this may refer to?
We’ll just have to live in suspense, at who the secret hedge fund individual could be *queue shonky rendition of eastenders theme tune*