I have never seen a shrew or vole in my garden and a hedgehog is too big to enter the ‘bait box’. There is a code of practice for the use of rodenticides by the “Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use” approved by the RSPCA to which I have adhered. This is legal and I will continue this practice until it becomes illegal. This thread is degenerating into sophistry.
Same here, though we do ease back in summer, we've noted birds don't feed as much as they rear their young with live food (as long as it's around), but then the parents may need a quick boost after the young ones have fledged. We had an issue seeing rats a few years ago when a neighbour had an extension done, but it settled very swiftly. If you help feed animals and prefer a particular type, you'll naturally attract any animal that needs to eat. That's nature. Though I understand the issue, I find it sad that humans are largely the cause of a problem in the first place and then immediately seek to solve it by inflicting death.
Hey I'm not saying don't use legal poisons, just that it's a bit remiss to say the only creatures that can get in a bait box are rats and mice. If a rat can get in, a hedgehog definitely could.
Sadly our neighbour had a retired pest controller in - he had accessed industrial strength bait which only pest controllers can use. We watched on as he threw it into hedges, and into neighbouring gardens. Unprotected, in "doggy bags" intended to be ripped open. When we questioned it, our neighbour claimed it was her land. Uncovered bait over the hedge into a garden where a dog lives, and where and cats roam. Yet my neighbour proudly claims to love animals, especially hedgehogs.