Since when has there been a rule that if a person can possibly physically work then they have to? Companies up and down the country have been furloughing people for a year now and forcing less employees to do more work when they could have had all employees in and gone bankrupt
Then that would be flexible furlough on every day apart from training or Matchday. The grounds are now closed as per a usual season. Why should they be on furlough? You can only furlough if the member of staff can’t fulfil his normal duties due to coronavirus. - so distancing issues, or league closure. Right now, there’s no reason to furlough other than the club is skint, but that’s not Corona related! It’s fraudulent.
I don’t believe this is true. You can furlough employees for any reason, it just needs to be caused by the pandemic. So lack of revenue is a valid reason legally. Morally is a different story, but there’s nothing wrong legally.
You've got that completely wrong or almost every single company in the hospitality industry is currently breaking the law
can’t due to restrictions in place operate as a normal business. I’m not saying I personally agree with it but it’s clearly something they could potentially do. They won’t they will end up chucking the crapest paid back room staff on furlough.
I think that’s true of some companies though not the vast majority. I know we used furlough last year for a couple of months but have paid the money back as when the results came in we hadn’t taken the expected hit in income. Not every company is the bad guy. Some have exploited it for sure but hey that’s capitalism.
I don't mean they've exploited it (though some have), more that they've been forced to do it because their income has dropped
Ah yeah makes sense. I know from my point of view I had to furlough 2 people and I hated it. We got them back as soon as possible but I had sleepless nights over it despite it being directed from above. As the old saying goes you don’t get more with less you get less with less.