Out for a walk this morning/afternoon & I pass this field on a regular basis, it has three horses in it, Mam,Dad & a foal. I noticed the foal on it's side not moving & it's Mam n Dad just stood over it looking a bit sad, anyway on the off chance I phoned Rob Royed's Dog kennels & Cattery as that was about half a mile away & ask them if they knew who owned the field/horses & told them I was a bit concerned about the foal as it didn't seem to be moving. They got in touch with the owners & they checked on it, apparently foals sleep like babbies. little blinder was just sleeping The text I received was brilliant telling me everything was all good & thanked me ever so much for looking out for him & for me to have a lovely day, which was nice.
That's a nice thing to check. I follow someone on twitter who's pony regularly plays dead and especially when visitors are in the vicinity. It has roped in a crow to sit on it for added effect!
As long as you didn't see Gordon Elliot sat on it posing your alright . Saw the same thing at Moorthorpe in the field next to Railway Station on way home from work.
My Dad used to say "sit in corner n' make a sound like a tunip". Then he also used to sing " Valencia stick your fingers up your bum and whistle through your Barcelona". Weird.
My Dad had similar daft sayings. Whenever I had a cough, he'd say, "It's not the cough that carries you off, it's the coffin they carry you off in."
I thought horses went to sleep standing up. Or is that cows? Or hens? Or is that me when ar lass is telling me about her day at school about who said what to who and why and when and where and who called who a fkin t.wat. and threw chairs all round the classroom.