Another few:- Kanye West Justin Bieber Stephen Yaxley-Lennon Harvey Weinstein Rolf Harris Dave Lee Travis Me.
On a different tack to the usual suspects, ive just seen a TV ad featuring Eamonn Holmes trying to fleece pensioners of their hard earned through an equity release scheme. You get a free pen and an M&S voucher! Anybody who is rich to start with, but appears in adverts like this.
Mark Knopfler? One of my favourites Late 70s early 80s artists with his band Dire Straits, pre Lady Di/ Princess Di adoration Mindst. Sultans of Swing an all time classic for me
Jonathan Ross. Just a talentless gobshite who has pinched a living. Can’t stand Robbie Williams. Gary Barlow is a smarmy sod, and Vanessa Feltz is beyond irritating. Oh and Noel Edmunds gives me the creeps.
Alongside lils Katie Hopkins. Alan Sugar. Roy Chubby Brown Joan Collins Bruce Forsyth Cilla Black (deceased) Jimmy Tarbuck. There’s a theme developing. .
Actually this could go in one of two threads today, but I've never taken to Joan Rivers. I never liked her standup, and I wish these people who grow old gracefully. They look worse with all their plastic surgery than the average person who hasn't had any. Just thought, Ruby Wax always used to really annoy me too, but she's grown on my a little of late. Germaine Greer too (See Wax) And Will Self the smug little man.
There is a strong argument that "The Apprentice" is the ruin of western civilization. Looking at those listed, you can understand that point of view.
Jim White Adrian Durham Sam Allardyce Sebastian Vettel Tiger Woods James Martin Tim Lovejoy Alex Jones Laura Kuenssberg Jedward Sonia