Personal terms were always the problem. If a Premier League team signs him it may be we get him back on loan. I suspect the agreed fee included a massive sell on clause in Orlando's favour, if we did exercise our option.
I think even this could be a stretch for us now. Hypothetically, if he signs for someone on £20k a week our loan contribution is likely to be way less than a Sheffield United, Fulham, Derby, etc. I mentioned this in the other thread but we're half assuming he loved it here and wants to come back. He might prefer to move to a team that's in and around London. He is American afterall.
Yes, can't argue with that. Will depend on Coach / CEO of who signs him where his best options to learn are. I'd say we have a chance on that, but in no way nailed on. If you are spending 10 million or so on an untested player, you would try and protect your investment.
Another good interview from Dane. Don't believe he's misleading us. Talks optimistically about the future and his heart seems to be in it. Sounds to me like he understands the club and us lot. Like his praise of all employee's. Top to bottom. Bottom to top. All joined up. He does sound confident about keeping VI and AM but of course he tempers that with the realistic notion that if anyone goes because they / we get an offer we can't refuse, then so be it. Life goes and we replace them. Dane is a great acquisition. A great appointment. I like his American positivity and optimism. I like the way he communicates with us. I like him. COYR.
I find this update most positive in that it makes it clear he understands that our success last season arose from having the significant goal threat that has held us back over recent times. Go get a couple of goalscorers Dane. With large lungs.
Me too. Have to be honest his hair & general lack of communication at the start did not set him on the good foot with me, as James Brown would have said. Since then i've been down & out in New York City on a Monday. Dane all the way. Does that sound transatlantic enough?
That's how it reads to me. More chance of me seeing a dodo in my back garden than seeing Dike at Oakwell next season.
Yes, but I'm afraid noises is all that this is. It's not about turning anything into a negative, but reading between the lines, Murphy is saying that while we hope to keep the head coach and the squad together, in reality anyone who is the subject of a reasonable offer will be off. That's fine - it's the modus operandi. Anyone supporting the club needs to be attuned to this new reality. Surveying the landscape of the Championship finances, it's a highly defendable position. So the loyalty of supporters is no longer to particular personnel, but to the club ethic. I'm no longer sure what "the club" is, other than a football franchise currently owned by a Chinese/American consortium. But then, were previous 'local' owners any more "men of the people" than the current regime? I think that the essence of the club - in so far as it exists - resides in the hearts of the supporters including all those on here. Without in any way passing judgement on them, the current ownership regime are simply milking that sentiment in order to grow their business proposition. But then again, if they succeed in that, aren't we all happy anyway?
You lost me at 'It's not about turning anything in to a negative, but' to be honest. If the club choose to speak it's just 'noises' or 'what else were they going to say'. If they don't speak it's 'why won't they communicate with us!' or 'Dane out'.
Great to hear a positive message and not unexpected. I’m pleased we are keeping this positive approach and sharing it. I do however hope our say do ratio is good. The Dike situation didn’t turn out as suggested but I think we deep down didn’t expect to sign him. Hope is a delicate word and I also hope we keep the team together, Mowatt to stay, Valerian to stay. I also hope we will strengthen too. Let’s see.
Happy to explain, Loko. It's not about turning anything into a negative because I don't necessarily disagree with the message Dane is putting out, or that it's not the right way to run the club. It represents the new reality. But I would not be so quick as others to view it as such a glossily positive outlook on where things stand. 'Noises' is a shorthand way to say that I see this as simply PR. I would do the same if I were Dane. See 'The Signal and the Noise'. I think that I was critical of the lack of comment around the Stendel parting of the ways. I can't remember if I have been otherwise, but I may have been. But the communication has to be decoded, does it not? Anyway, just my observations! They may not chime with yours, but that's OK. That's what this forum is all about isn't it?
Really good update. Addressing the things the fans want updates on and a very positive outlook. Nice work.