They need to stop people from going or at least put them off to prevent the chaos there would be at airports with the lack of planning they have put in place for the extra checks that Brexit will bring. They haven’t hired and trained enough Border staff to be able to cope so they’re stopping anyone from coming or going this summer so they have an extra year to get their act together.
I think this might be it, but surely it’s lockdown red tape? Surely it’s all the checks on have you had your pre flight test, are you booked in for day 2 and day 8 etc?
Xenophobia is going to spread like wildfire round the world. There’s already someone who considers themselves a liberal on this thread intimating that Indians should be prevented from entering our country. It’s awful. Lockdowns have caused 100s of times the damage to people’s attitudes that Brexit did, and that was bad enough.
Oh how i wish this was true. But... given that DWP managed a doubling of UC claimants overnight by moving staff, and then recruited about 6000 new staff in a matter of months. For this to be true, we’d have to believe that the home office is being run by a criminally incompetent megalomaniac.
There has been a 300% increase in the amount of apples I have eaten in under a week in my house. The reality is I went to Asda on Sunday and bought a bag. I ate one n the Sunday and have eaten just one a day since then. 1 to 4 = 300% increase
That too! Their new Border Crossing system was supposed to be ready by June (so now) according to this Who’s betting it’s not ready?
Hasn't there also been a massive increase in infection rates of the common cold this last month? Nobody is crying about that. Infections mean **** all when anyone vulnerable to the virus has been offered a vaccine. Anyone who chose not to take it up knew the risks. I know there are an extremely small number of people who can't have it or for whom it isn't very effective but sadly that's life and it's the case for vaccinations for pretty much EVERYTHING. We don't generally restrict the entire populations life to protect them
True. But supply and demand has allus been a driver. I don't like it. But understand it to a degree. The cost of British holidays have always been a bugbear. Holidaying abroad better value for money. Once this is all over. The british holiday industry needs to do a rain check. The smaller resorts can command bigger prices through supply and demand and make hay during peak periods. The only seaside resort that can sustain. outside these periods is Blackpool. March to November. And xmas/new year. Prices to fit all pockets. Lots will go to the wall. as people want better facilities, and some of the bigger hotels can offer more for similar prices to the old family run B&B.
Ah, so in that case Labour wouldn’t be using this pandemic just to politically point score then if they oppose Govt. I’m confused,
You’re not confused. You just forgot the advice your dad gave you... ‘Never argue with an idiot; they’ll drag you down to their level then beat you with experience’.