Yet most of the popular media are saying what a wonderful job this lot have done under the circumstances reluctantly admitting mistakes have been made but nobody could have done better. Untill the opposition come out more or less and say they are going to lick their arses these media won’t budge on bigging this lot up even though they’ve killed thousands unnecessarily. The rest of the media are guilty of doing next to nothing . Unfortunately the popular media are the kingmakers even though voters deny they are swayed .
We still don't know what we are dealing with, we've got vaccines for Covid 19 but to date scientists are split on whether it was a naturally occurring virus or man made. Will this virus act in the same way as previous virus' or will it act in an unnatural manner. Like after the Spanish flu and SARs life won't be the same. Public health guidelines will need to be in place possibly for decades. It's about reacting quickly and people taking personal responsibility. Basically we need to follow South East Asia's approach to life. But for that you need good national and local governance, and folk to actually give a toss.
You missed the point I was making. It doesnt matter if this thing is floating about if the over 50s are protected.
Pity its not just old people dying. Or the people who get it seriously and are more likely to die afterwards. Or those who have their lives hugely impacted by long covid that we know little about. I found out yesterday my mums friend and son have got it and are both in a really bad way. He's early 20s and extremely fit. She's in her 50s and had both jabs. Hopefully they are both ok. I don't think anyone can say what "the deal" was... its flipflopped all over the place so frequently to be incoherent.
Yes it does. The vaccine doesn’t work for everybody. It’s less likely to work in the people that are the most affected by the virus.
The more and more that comes out of the US and the fountain of knowledge that is Dr. Fauci, the more man made and a lab leak looks likely. The so called conspiracy theorists on this one might be partly proved right. One thing I do admire over there is how much they take people to task on their decisions. Rand Paul is quite rightly giving Fauci a hard time whilst our government haven't been held to account on anything.
We know that between mar 2020-Oct 2020 about 50 under 40s died of covid. Sorry but that doesnt justify the devastation of keeping lockdowns.
Rand Paul. You once again prove that you have sublime taste in politician. You’ll be quoting Thatcher before the year is out.
Given the current parliamentary arithmetic though, the only group that can affect the government's decisions are the Tory rebels. And they're busy arguing against the reduction in foreign aid at the moment.
You once again jump straight to on the offensive and don't take the comment in isolation for what it was and the subject it was on. Ignoring the comment and focusing on something completely different.
True. And because we're so tiny compared to somewhere like the US and don't have the same political setup, it's difficult for any voices to be given a credible platform to fight the government on their own. That's where you hope your media would step in, but sadly that's been lacking as well. It's been a free ride for nearly 18 months now.
As an aside, Gove got an alert saying he’s been in contact with someone who has COVID whilst at the Champions League final in Portugal and instead of self isolating like everyone else he’s just doing daily tests. When Jenrick was asked why he said Gove is ‘taking part in a pilot scheme’. There has already been a pilot scheme as this was originally supposed to be the plan for schools but they found that the test weren’t reliable enough at spotting positive cases and ruled everyone must still self isolate.
You’re siding on social policy regarding how best to deal with a virus with a truly awful human being who can only be trusted to put money in the pockets of his donors over a man that has spent his entire life studying diseases and the best way to combat them. Please tell me how that should be taken to make you appear in a positive light?
So now its under 40's? You said under 50s before that. And you've ignored the deadlier peak. if you're going to quote seemingly statistical data (without actual source data), at least make it relevant and accurate for the whole, not just a narrow snapshot.
I'm not being funny but you've literally just made this up and it isn't the first time. With a little personal dig thrown in there for good measure and trying to throw some shade on me. Classy. I talk about holding people/politicians to account, reference someone who is holding someone to account, and you turn that in to 'siding with' and saying I have a 'sublime taste in politician'. But nothing I said gave any indication of my taste in politician, who I was siding with, or any comment on that at all. My point was around government accountability and a reference to the the growing evidence that there's a possibility this was a lab leak and man made. But you ignored all that. I'm out of the conversation at this point but can I suggest not rushing to the keyboard as soon as something you politically disagree with is mentioned, and to maybe not try and turn something in to a personal insult or slant on someone's character completely out of nowhere.