In your opinion though mate. Plenty of suggestions have been made by 'anti-lockdowners', they're just not methods or strategies you personally agree with or think would have done better. That's your prerogative to think that, in the same way it's mine to think the lockdown strategies have been a complete shambles as well.
So your answer is no, you want to reduce all restrictions on the 21st of June and just roll the dice for the winter? If that's your opinion you're more than welcome to it, but 50% of the people in the country (or at least Mirror readers) disagree with you. Not sure who this "WE" is either? Seems to me there is no particular political party or group that wants to throw caution to the wind, just a subclass of internet dwellers who are easily influenced by people of twitter. Not sure what the difference is between these people and those "brainwashed by the MSM and the government".
What is this 'lockdown' that we are currently in? The whole debate on remaining restrictions would benefit from words continuing to have meaning. I'm amazed that JHB is still allowed a keyboard. She's proven wrong at every stage.
To be honest my three main interests are still out bounds- football, travelling and gigs. It would be nice to have any chance of that this year
Just think if we'd followed NZ and the Aussies lead you'd be doing all 3 now. Instead the government wanted foreign travellers here, they wanted us to travel, they relaxed too early and didn't adequately shut down towns on mass like other nations when local outbreaks occurred. Hartley Brewer wanted life not to change without looking at the facts. In fact she left the country bound for her Caribbean hideaway at the earliest opportunity. If these ghouls had practiced restraint and kept everything local for 12 months then maybe businesses wouldn't have folded, NHS operations and treatment would be going ahead. Enough folk wanted to be independent but so many can't wait to leave or want to protect the country (so much for the flag waving). Miss Morrissette is tuning up again!
Me too. But there are plenty of things you can do instead. And if we can learn anything from this, surely it's the later we delay, the more we let it take hold, the more it hurts us and the more we're impinged in the long run. If there is genuine evidence that shows we could head to a 3rd spike that has significant hospitalisations and deaths even with the vaccines, surely it makes sense to be cautious for a few more weeks.
Nice yes, but not essential. I was gutted not to see any football this season, or my Dad for most of the year sitting here feeling lousy after my 2nd vaccination but thats life, we're in the middle of a crisis that has seen way too many people in this country die or suffer serious health problems from this virus.
There was a football match just a couple of weeks ago that plenty on here attended - although it was limited capacity, but no domestic games now until August due to it being close season. You can book gigs now - plenty of bands have arranged gigs and festivals are finalizing lineups. Depending on your taste, The Beat, Lovely Eggs, Van Morrison or the Get Together festival in Sheffield in the next couple of months (others are available). You can travel within the UK fairly easily - I was in the Peak District and on the Yorkshire coast last weekend and am going to North Wales tomorrow. There is a big country with lots of beautiful places out there. You could book abroad, but there is a risk that you will have to quarantine on your return. Some countries won't let us in, or might not when you come to go, but that is the risk if you want to leave the country.
Did he lie or did he simply make the same mistake that our experts made? In other words, the transfer of the virus via hard surfaces, rather than aerosol, was believed to the principal mode of infection. I clearly remember being told that wearing face masks would provide a false sense of security.
Smallpox used to kill 3m per year - now 0 Rinderpest - was beaten in 2001 (although it is an animal/cattle disease rather than human) Polio used to kill 10000+ per year - and paralyse about 10x that - now down to about 2-300 cases per year Measles went from 2.6m deaths in 1980 to 73000 in 2014 See also Mumps, Rubella, Tuberclosis and a number of other diseases that really were nasty.
There was a suggestion that scientists were advising the public not to wear masks because there was a global shortage of PPE for healthcare workers and it would take away from that supply.
Actually its ******. Covid ends when Covid ends - when it reaches an equilibrium in the population and cases fall to a manageable level either through vaccination or through mutation. The Spanish Flu had at least 4 waves - and the later ones affected the young far worse than the older population by triggering cytokine storms.
Nope , admitted that he lied due to PPE shortages . Though that may have seemed a wise decision short term I think long term not so good especially in America where there's a groundswell of resentment brewing . Next time he actually needs people to listen to him will they believe him ?
Did your mum and dad live in fear of Smallpox, mumps, rubella, polio? How many of your friends died of or suffered irreparable damage from those? Not like my generation then, who were much safer than my parents generation, I knew lots of people in my childhood crippled by polio. But let’s pretend that just because there’s a rare cases still occurring my point is moot.