I want masks and social distancing to continue after 21 June, because I have to care for three octogenarians and I'm not convinced we've got on top of it yet. We haven't got the timing of anything right all the way through this, so forgive me for not having confidence in doing this either. We first need to see more data showing how the various vaccines cope with the new variants and how long people remain adequately protected once they are fully vaccinated. Removing all measures before we know these answers would be negligent. Wales seem to have got it right for me; they are thinking of keeping those safeguards in place for the rest of the year.
Some jabs may not work, and weirdly this variant is stronger than the 1st one. Nuts! Serious questions in my book of how this virus was created. I've had the Pfizer and it's less resistant than the others but stronger against the other stains. Answers on a postcard?
If the vaccines that the world's best minds have come up with dont offer full protection what would you want? Permanent restrictions?
I disagree I want all restrictions to end 21st June I,ve got parents in their eighties and they want it to end as well they have been vaccinated and your unlucky and the vaccine doesn’t,t work well that’s life unfortunately when everyone’s vaccinated we should be on the way to getting shut.
Maybe its just me, but a lab in wuhan is working on coronaviruses and theres an outbreak of the same thing in the same city. China covering up a lab leak is something they would do. Seems very plausible IMO.....
Possibly but that doesn't change anything does it? We've still got the virusand still need to deal with it in a way that saves as many lives as possible.
Hospital numbers lower than all four poorly predicted scenarios. It's going to be such an interesting couple of weeks to see if our glorious PM sticks to his guns or rolls over to let SAGE tickle his belly.
Seen a few different photos online of him there for the game with random fans. I didn't think he would have a fan club. I suspect most people if they were getting drunk before the Football and Gove was there they wouldn't ask for a selfie. He was even wearing a long sleeve shirt and smart trousers like he's just come from Downing Street and gone straight to Portugal without a change of clothes.
As far as I can tell the current "restrictions" do nothing to hault the spread of any virus but are just a hammer blow to certain sectors, in particular hospitality. The overwhelming majority of people have either overtly or covertly moved beyond agonising about it.
Travel and hospitality are basically punching bags by now. Where are the sources of employment for young people?
I’m not disagreeing about the treatment of those sectors by the government, but it appears that there are lots of vacancies in those sectors currently. Let’s hope they bounce back soon.