At least ten of the venues you have mentioned above are operating at a maximum 50% seated capacity. How financially viable do you think it is for them to continue to do so long term? if restrictions are eased out of those venues above how many do you think youll be sat in this time next year under their current stewardship? How many times did you go for a piss and put a mask on and think this is utterly ludicrous?
I think there would be anxiety if you and your loved ones caught Covid too though? Of course the sooner were back to " normal" the better, I've yet to hear of anyone that doesn't want that?
Hancock this morning has said that the connection between infections and hospitalisation has been ‘severed, not broken’ He might want to look up the definition of the word severed.
Apart from the usual places, where was this concern for increasing NHS waiting lists before the Pandemic? Yes, of course they’ve increased markedly as a result of the Pandemic, but the faux concern, over this and the NHS particularly from the Tories is nauseating.
Some of them probably have. So many get it and have no idea because it has no effect. You haven't heard anyone who doesn't want restrictions lifted quickly? That just not true is it
Headline news this winter. People COULD have to queue in corridors if we don't all lockdown. Every other winter people DO queue in corridors and everyone just shrugs
I haven't heard of anyone who wants the restrictions for the sake of it no. Some are more cautious than others, understandably given what happened last time restrictions were lifted too quickly.
I g I get what you’re saying, but disagree that ‘everyone’ just shrugs, it is only certain sections of society and their apologists that shrug
The more this carries on the more I question my existence. I’m already struggling mentally, I have two children under 3 & am seriously wondering why we bothered bringing them into this world, and that should be the last thing to think. This useless pathetic excuse of a government have a lot to answer for, and not kust surrounding Covid. Life has to go on, otherwise what is the point?
ROFL. Are you being serious. It's been our failure to control the borders that is perpetuating this thing. Look at the comparative success in Australia and NZ.
21 June is going to be a fudge, isn't it? A meaningless concession to argue we've opened up further, while keeping the bits that annoy everybody.
Some absolute melts on here. It's a good job some of you lot weren't around in 1939 otherwise we'd all know what proper fascism is like. We live amongst some of the weakest, most fragile and self-centered people ever. Beyond contemptible.
I take it then if you catch covid then you would not seek any NHS help then , you just look after yourself, after all its all scare mongering