We teach them all there is to know, each little golden rule Our fitters have to be first class, only the best will do When they pass with flying colours they're official boys in blue So drive on down to kwik-fit, we're waiting just for you Every products guaranteed, you'll love their prices too You can't get better than a kwik-fit fitter You can't get better than a kwik-fit fitter You can't get better than a kwik-fit fitter We're the boys to trust
I'd like to build the world a home And furnish it with love Grow apple trees and honey bees And snow-white turtle doves I'd like to teach the world to sing In perfect harmony I'd like to hold it in my arms And keep it company I'd like to see the world for once All standing hand in hand And hear them echo through the hills For peace throughout the land (That's the song I hear) I'd like to teach the world to sing (Let the world sing today) In perfect harmony I'd like to teach the world to sing In perfect harmony Id like to build the world a home And furnish it with love Grow apple trees and honey bees And snow-white turtle doves
Season cycle moving round and round Pushing life up from a cold dead ground It's growing green It's growing green, Well Darling don't you ever stop to wonder About the clouds about the hail and thunder 'Bout the baby and its umbilical Who's pushing the pedals on the season cycle? Summer chased by Autumn Autumn chased by Winter Winter chased by Springtime Springtime's turning Season cycle go from death to life Bring a harvest or a man his wife It's growing green It's growing green, Well, Darling, don't you ever sit and ponder Darling did you ever think About the building of the hills a yonder All this life stuff's closely linked Where we're going in this verdant spiral Who's pushing the pedals on the season cycle? I really get confused on who would make all this, Is there a God in Heaven? Everybody says join our religion, get to Heaven, I say no thanks, why bless my soul, I'm already there!
Do the shake and vac and put the freshness back Do the shake and vac and put the freshness back When the room smells fresh so do you Next time you vacuum you know just what to do Next time you vacuum you know just what to do Next time you vacuum you know just what to do Do the shake and vac and put the freshness back.
Any Tom dick or walt will love the taste of malt in a colt 45 Will it be chip's or jacket spuds Will it be carrots or frozen peas will it be mushrooms fried onion rings You'll have to wait and see Hope it's chips it's chips we hope it's chips
Hot dogs, Armour hot dogs what kind of kids eat Armour hot dogs? Fat kids, skinny kids, Kids that climb on rocks Tough kids, sissy kids Even kids with chicken pox love hot dogs, Armour hot dogs The dogs kids love to bite.
I’m a secret lemonade drinker R Whites , R Whites I’ve been trying to give it up but it’s one of those nights . R Whites , R Whites. R Whites Lemonaaaade I’m a secret lemonade Drinker . incidentally the actor in the original advert is Elvis Costellos Father . For real !
I don't think it is mate. You will have read that somewhere. For whatever reason it got twisted from him writing and singing the theme tune to him being the actor in the advert. That's been misreported all over the place.
Bit like the story that Bob Holness, the Blockbusters presenter, played saxophone on Baker Street. That urban myth was a common ‘little known fact’ back in the day.
The Milky Bar Kid is strong and tough And only the best is good enough The creamiest milk, the whitest bar The goodness that’s in Milky Bar ‘The Milky Bars are on Me’