What I think will happen: There will be an indefinite deferral to the 21st June date presented as an initial 2-3 weeks in order to ‘gather more information about the Delta variant’. This *may* come with some very slight easements to the existing controls. Masks and social distancing are clearly going to be permanent, as I believe I pointed out roughly this time last year: http://barnsleyfc.org.uk/threads/here-we-go.293036/page-4#post-2506341
Well I am sorry to hear that you have had covid but pleased it was only a mild dose , I refer to the Nhs as all along the object has been to try & keep the numbers down , to prevent the saturation of the NHS ,hence the vaccination programme , which is proving so effective but while ever people choose to have the "selfish I"m all right Jack " mentality then it becomes harder to get out of this mess .
Remove all restrictions. If people are still worried, stay at home or do the restrictions yourself. Mental health and everything that goes with it is suffering more now IMO
All, health wise. The folks who stick to the rules and follow the guidance will be to the benefit of the ones who don't.
For the removal of doubt, anyone, unless medically exempt, who refuses the offer of a vaccine is a bit of a twunt and should expect to be treated different in my opinion. Interestingly, the reason for many of the casualties during the blitz was peoples fatalistic attitude - and therefore their refusal to go into bomb shelters that were available- preferring to take the risk and for some, ending up dead in their houses. Any sympathy? Not really, but at least they weren’t effecting anyone but themselves- putting bar staff who have no choice but to work - at risk by refusing a vaccine is both selfish and stupid.
Wear a mask Social distance Hug 'cautiously' Track and trace Check in everywhere you go Wash your hands relentlessly One in one out in the boozer bogs Dont sing Be prepared for constant reminders of the virus threat, repeated messaging on buses, billboards, standard phone calls to the GP Live your life at the behest of Vallance and Whitty Stay local Domestic holidays only Blame India, China, the global population If you're an independent business owner, keep the faith, take the furlough and be grateful Put all your trust in this government Aye, it's all back to 'normal', and a great time is being had by all.
Max out your credit cards. Use you life savings. Don’t moan when restrictions don’t lift in time for your business and your livelihood to survive and be secure.
What I find staggering is that some call this 'freedom', because the government have said businesses can now open. Never mind the fact that a huge amount of them now can't afford to and have effectively been destroyed.
‘What’s another few weeks’. Commonly found being spouted by people who don’t own their own business and can be found living quite comfortably within these restrictions.
All that says to me is ‘Don’t go to MacDonalds’; which is fine cos it’s about 15 years since I have been in one. We have been in a couple of local coffee shops, restaurants and pubs, a brewery tap and a Spa hotel in the last couple of weeks , the worst experiences we’re in a Greene King pub that insisted on us using the app, but there was no phone signal and their wifi was rubbish, and our local (Marstons) which had called last orders at 10 to 10 and refused to serve 4 of us.
It isn’t selfish to not have the vaccine!! It’s my choice what goes in my body nobody else’s and while ever the vaccine isn’t mandatory I will not be having it. And I won’t be made to feel guilty for exercising my right to choose.. also I pay for the right for the NHS to treat me every time I get paid.
I find it really interesting that the people most in favour of restrictions have actually pushed those restrictions to the limit quite a lot. Because Boris set a date that you could do things you rushed out to do them all. No judgement but I find that extremely interesting Ps when I say you I mean quite a few in here.
Please stop saying I’m in favour of restrictions. It’s purely based on the fact that I’m not throwing my teddy out of the pram about them.
It's the difference in reaction between 7 cases in Australia and 5,765 cases in the UK which is my whole point. It's no wonder we've always struggled to keep on top of it. Two island nations who are poles apart in strategy. Australia aren't allowing foreign travel until well into 2022.
enough's enough now, lets just get on with it,67 million people in the country and 0.008 percent getting it a day, 1000 people get cancer a day in UK and that's not plastered on news every night,if people want to wear masks etc, then let them but everyone else should be allowed to live free
I think it was in response to someone who is still calling the current situation 'lockdown'...which it clearly isn't.