I agree it isn't lockdown but it's an extremely restricted lifestyle. Not just because of what you aren't allowed to do but because of restrictions placed on the way you can do what you do
thats alright then , so basically what you are saying is sod the doctors and nurses who may have to look after you because youv'e paid for it
talking to a landlord earlier, suns out people and folk are already behaving like t*ss**s, wandering in with no mask wanting to do whatever they like, claiming they are exempt but funnily enough not willing or able to prove it. Like he says its his licence they are risking!
We’ve been here before; you ended up going looking for where I’d said. It’s a pandemic, it needs dealing with, but only an idiot would argue that our government have dealt with it well. Any discussion we’ve had will have been like this - you’re blaming ‘the restrictions’ for something that’s 90% the fault of MacDonalds. You’ve said only people with big houses could work from home - I pointed out I have colleagues living in shared accommodation and in 1 bedroom flats who are WFH. etc etc.
All health wise? Assume you are discounting mental health, cancer treatment/diagnosis and all the other cancelled and delayed treatments. Again you can argue it was necessary you can't argue its been to EVERYONES benefit
I don't think he's saying that at all. I think he's saying he pays his taxes and the NHS is still free at the point of service. Having the covid vaccine shouldn't be a marker of whether or not you are entitled to use the services of the NHS, to suggest that would be insane. Also, deciding not to have the vaccine - the long terms effects still unproven by the way - isnt an FU to healthcare professionals; people are still free to choose what goes in their bodies.
I told myself that I wasn't going to respond to this thread, but you really need to stop saying nonsense like "Masks and social distancing are clearly going to be permanent" when it's clearly not true. You know it's not true, I know it's not true. It's dangerous and pathetic really that you keep saying it.
I really hasn't benefitted everyone. I know a few people personally who have had their lives shortened because of these restrictions including close family members. Completely unnecessarily too
if England get through to later stages of euro, you can forget distancing it will be beer o'clock, everywhere packed no matter what Bozo says
Funny one that as I don't think you can legally anyone prove they are exempt so I can't imagine how you could lose a licence. On the other hand I can imagine in the current climate some official suspending a licence through ignorance of the law around disabilities.
my mums bloke was really outgoing before all this started now he wont do anything just stays in house and garden, as effected lots of people as you say
I'm glad you're not in charge of any public health policy. You can make anything sound small if you compare it to a completely irrelevant number as a percentage. There were about 5,000 suicides last year. There's 12.5 million dogs in the UK. That's 0.04%.
Agree with you on that it won't be permanent. Regardless of if government wanted to make it permanent its unenforceable if people don't want to do it and huge numbers of people have given up or are only half arsed doing it because they feel they should for appearances sake.
It reminds me of people who refuse to evacuate in an emergency because it’s their body, their choice and then put the rescuers lives at risk when they get into difficulty. Yes, they get the right to choose, as do people in regards to the vaccine. I also have the right to think of them as selfish and daft.
The government aren't going to make it permanent though. They're just not. It's completely illogical in every way. I'm against this government as much as anybody, but it's just insane that TM keeps spreading this nonsense.
I don't think they'll be permanently enforced but I think that some are here for an extremely long term such as the mask wearing, encouraged distancing and shaming of people who want to live normally