Dangerous? How? I’m simply saying what I think. How on Earth is that ‘dangerous’? Can you explain to me how you think the mask and distancing mandate is going to end? Even when cases, hospitalisations and deaths are very low the mandate has stayed in place. I believe this will continue to be true post June 21st. So please explain to me at what point you believe the controls will be taken away? We had this exact conversation a year ago. A year!!! And here we are, with nothing changed and yet you still maintain this bizarre confidence that this will somehow one day all blow away despite every day mounting empirical evidence to the contrary.
So... in summary. I pointed out your complaint about 'the restrictions' was actually more aimed at MacDonalds. And instead of answering my point - you just had a rant about 'people promoting the restrictions. Then when I pointed out you'd made that up, you acted 'confused'. And now you're saying I answered like a politician. WTF??? This is all based on you having a paddy - about MacDonalds treatment of it's customers, that you tried to blame on the government. You wouldn't be drawn into an actual discussion about your experience, and now you're having a go at me for acting like 'a politician'
When wouldn't I be drawn? The employees at McDonald's were extremely polite and friendly. I have absolutely no complaints about them at all. My complaint is solely about the restrictions enforced upon them. I asked if you had been in favour of restrictions and you completely dodged the question which is why I said you answered like a politician
I think masks will be around for a while yet, I've never disputed that. But it makes sense. They're something that impact peoples lives extremely minimally and have a significant impact on the spread of the virus, which reduces the likelihood of future restrictions on when businesses can open. That's what everybody wants, isn't it?
I had to park up earlier and a young lass walked over from McDonalds building with food ,she said sorry about your wait", I said "its ok ive always been this fat"
Personally I think they have a huge impact on my life. They make me extremely uncomfortable, I struggle to breath comfortably with them on (genuinely), get hot almost instantly with them on and basically just hate them. I also don't believe they make the slightest bit of difference when worn by untrained and undisciplined members of the public for s variety of reasons.
Dangerous because vulnerable people could be reading this thread, in a very fragile mental state and seeing the ******** in your post could be enough to send them over the edge. It's absolute nonsense and you know it is, so why say it? Masks impact on peoples lives extremely minimally, so it makes sense that they stay around, to allow businesses to get back open and significantly reduce the risk of more closures on businesses in the future. It's really simple. They won't be permanent though. Once every Adult has been offered both doses of the vaccine and there has been an observable decline in the ratio of cases:hospitalisations:deaths as cases begin to increase, masks will absolutely go away.
Is this really your idea of 'extremely polite and friendly'? Because to me it reads like being treated like a prisoner.
Ah now that is interesting because I would argue that the BBC has been pushing people closer to the edge for the last year than any post on here could ever do
Yes they were polite and friendly. It isn't their fault that the government of the UK have forced them to operate under such ridiculous restrictions. You are confusing employees with rules.
Maybe you need better masks then, or to get out of your own head about it. Every time I've worn masks I've put it on at home and taken it off when I got back home. Forgot it was on after 2 minutes. I've been to the gym with it on a few times, been to take supplies to vulnerable relatives etc. Worn it for a couple of hours at a time on multiple occasions. It's really nothing at all. And they absolutely make a difference to other people. It's really simple. Mask stops respiratory droplets from leaving your body. I don't even understand how that can be disputed.
No they have not! Like I said - In the last couple of weeks I've been in 2 local restaurants, 2 cafe's, 4 pubs, a brewery tap, a hotel bar and their restaurant. Not once was I 'marched' anywhere, 'watched like a hawk' or made to feel in any way anything other than welcome. Your report of your experience is completely the opposite to anything I experienced. And it was completely the fault of MacDonalds, seeing as all the experience I had adhered to all the same laws.
You have fallen into the trap of thinking everyone is the same when in reality we are all different. I overheat extremely easily anyway. I can't wear tight clothing because of how it feels etc, I assume you can. We are different people with different bodies. Masks in clinical settings make a huge difference. Masks that are taken off, put on. Taken off, put on. Taken off, put on over and over, pulled down pulled up etc and are touched then those same hands touch surfaces and which are worn in place of social distancing don't in my opinion work. They stop airborne droplets but instead spread them to surfaces.
I overheat extremely easily. I go to football matches in the winter wearing just a T-Shirt for that reason. Shitty masks will cause problems for sure, but there are good masks available that are extremely lightweight and extremely breathable. The disposable ones that look like paper or the thick cloth ones I can see being very uncomfortable without a doubt, but I don't know why someone that knows they would find those uncomfortable would buy one of those?