So let me get this straight. 18 months of people being bombarded with doom and gloom every day, incessantly, by the BBC and the print media. Constant negativity, fear, uncertainty and doubt from the members of SAGE and ‘Independent’ SAGE who are guests daily on TV news programmes and chat shows. Government warnings and Covid fear propaganda broadcast multiple times every day across all commercial radio stations, on TV adverts, on pretty much every advertising billboard in the country, on all your social media and even when you switch on Alexa. But yet an opinion given honestly - so far proved correct for a year - from me, a random nobhead on a niche football forum, is going to cause someone to tip over the edge? Have you heard how daft you sound? Seriously, have a word.
I've tried different kinds of masks including clinical ones (the ones that the government couldn't get hold of last year)
Absolutely it's OK - if I was you I'd stop visiting MacDonalds and go out and support some local independent businesses, improving the quality of your life, the local economy and probably your diet and too.
I've been out a number of times. I have had a few thoroughly enjoyable experiences and a few extremely depressing ones. The enjoyable times have tended to be in places where we've been outside. I've declined going out on several occasions where I would have previously jumped at the chance as the experience can be thoroughly miserable. I guess, because I've seen both good and bad, you could blame the enforces of the rules, but there are now places I won't return to until all the rules have gone. Places I loved where the staff were always pleasant but it's now just awful.
You have no idea about my life or my diet actually and you don't know which local businesses I usually support but I guarantee I know a lot more about local businesses in this industry than you do
I would imagine the clinical ones are the worst for the issues you described. The best one I found is I believe polyester microfiber. it's got like a silky texture to it and it's pretty nice.
I don't much like what the media have done for the last 18 months either, but there's a difference between reporting on numbers and speculating on short term restrictions and pretending that restrictions are going to be permanent.
I've tried those ones too, they are too uncomfortable for me. Just to be clear though, while I really dislike them I have worn one every single time I've been anywhere needing one. Apart from once when I somehow forgot which made me feel like the worst person on the planet.
Of course its your choice & you have every right to have your opinions & beliefs , that I respect , which is exactly like myself who believes anyone who does not have the vaccine is selfish , it is my right to have that opinion & nothing will alter it .
Whoa!! One at a time: 1 I have no idea about your life - no I don't, except I know you had a miserable experience at MacDonalds and not going there again would certainly therefore improve the quality of your life. 2 I have no idea about your diet - other than you said you'd visited MacDonalds, and you'd be hard pushed to find any food that's nutritionally worse. 3 You're almost certainly right - but that doesn't alter the above 2 points
I’ve been out for numerous meals, and a couple of day sessions in the past few months. I can’t say I’ve experienced anything like you’ve suggested above. Everything I’ve experienced has been relatively easy and polite. McDonalds must’ve been advised very differently to the places I’ve been to, if it’s not their fault..
I think its because of a few things. How busy they were and the amount of people queuing (remember there's no reservations at McDonald's), the fixed layout of their restaurants which have fixed fittings and furnishings that can't really be moved to create an open space and then basically how their entire place is set up to operate
Wearing a mask uncomfortable for just 5 mins trust me. And as for forgetting you had one on what a load of Balls gives me a headache.
I'm not being funny, but are you trying to find it uncomfortable? I don't know how better to describe it than that, I hope you know what I mean. It's asked with the most honest intentions and not supposed to be as rude as it sounds.
No I'm genuinely not I'm just extremely fussy with things like that. I'd absolutely love it if I found them comfortable because it would make my life much easier but I just can't
It absolutely is selfish to refuse the vaccine. Without the vast majority of the population having it, we'll never reach herd immunity.
Fair enough, I always thought I was fussy too. I can't wear things like hats or scarves or anything like that but the mask is not a problem for me at all for whatever reason. I also never wear anything thicker than like a thin hoodie type material. Although I only wear zip up jackets, no pullover hoodies.