Loads of people, all the time. It blows my mind but they refuse to go and then end up risking other people’s lives to save them.
So what you meant is you disagreed with my post. Which is fine, I’m OK with that, I know a lot of people will. But there’s no need for the silly melodrama that a post giving an opinion is ‘dangerous’ - if there’s anything dangerous it’s trying to censor dissenting or different views from that pumped out by the government and media on a silly pretence that they are somehow going to cause damage to people’s mental health - while at the same time supporting SAGE policies where they had a self declared intent to scare people!!
@SuperTyke in regards to the McDonalds thing (I can’t be bothered to find the exact post, sorry). It’s all how different people respond to it, isn’t it? Some people will feel uncomfortable about it and weirded out and some people will absolutely not care. I know those weirded out won’t want to be and it’s not their fault that they are but there will definitely be other people who did the exact same motions as you that day and did it with a huge smile on their face, super happy to be in McDonalds again. A lot of it is down to mindset and there’ll be a lot of people who can’t put a positive spin on it because they’re in a really bad place at the moment but for the vast majority of people they could definitely approach it with less negativity and enjoy the things they can experience more without ruining it by trying to think of how it could be rather than how it is.
That was exactly my point really. For anyone with any kind of anxiety it's what they think about in those situations
I like table service in pubs. I hope a lot keep that. I would go to more. Wearing masks and sanitisation stations still makes sense. Other than that I’d open the country up but shut the borders down for a few months see how we get on.
I've definitely stopped supporting many businesses because I can't be bothered/enjoy shopping with a mask on. I know to many they are fine with them, I find it extremely uncomfortable. My solution has been to see if anything i need is available on Amazon. I'm OK with pubs and restaurants though I find it the most ludicrous thing ever to wear a mask to walk to a table then take it off.
Get ready for another lockdown soon because of the Indian variant. This Indian variant what indians are sending videos trying to explain to us itd unknown over in India. And India are threatening to take action against the british media. I think know I believe. Not the british media
How dare you judge me for not wanting something in my body. I have family that are nurses I have an army medic as an aunt she isn’t having the vaccine either is she selfish also for exercising her right to choose?? I have huge respect for the work they do!! Go and boil your head maybe listen to DR Hilary a bit more clown
My right to choose it isn’t selfish at all, you can think what you like I couldn’t give a monkeys I’ll still be in town on Saturday having a drink visiting numerous pubs and I’ll continue to do that whether I’m vaccinated or not because that’s right I have free will.. I was in Portugal too three weeks ago with 3 unvaccinated friends living life because some of you have forgotten what it’s like out there I’m also off to the US in July for “work” and I’ll enjoy that unvaccinated!!
Mate wait until you hear about seat belts and not smoking in pubs. You’ll be like Braveheart never free.
It's not 'freedom day' unless you're a reader of the Daily Heil - as it's they who coined the phrase.
Totally different. These measures are preventing a functioning normal society. Basic pursuits have been out of bounds for 1 year and 3 months. The economy is worst off than after WW2. Life satisfaction is lower than ever.
It’s almost as if these people haven’t heard of the thousands of laws that to some extent or another limit our freedom for either health or moral reasons.
Exactly the same. Public health measures taken to restrict your freedom to do things you once could do. The economy in the U.K. has been a basket case since 2010 when the govt ignored economic common sense. Brexit is the root cause of our collapsed economy though of course the pandemic has made it worse because we had a **** govt that cocked pretty much everything up. All those basic pursuits are just about to be returned to you. 95% of them already are. There may be some minor changes. There may not. Life changes. Laws change. Stop being a snowflake.
You want to go on holiday? You're a snowflake Want to go into a pub and hug a mate? You're a snowflake Want to get married with your friends there? You're a snowflake Ok then