What if they say mandated wearing masks indoors. (Not that I am saying they will). My mam whinged about the smoking ban. Hated it. Eventually made her give up smoking and has probably added 10 years to her life.
I will not be satisfied until everythi g is returned to 2019. In my eyes 2020 and first half of 2021 never happened. I just want to get my life back and move on from all this for good . No conditions. No measures. No limits.
That may or may not happen. Hopefully it does. If it doesn’t and the changes are relatively minor say the equivalent of not smoking in pubs you’ll’ survive. one example could be some countries may want you to show proof of vaccination as they do now for yellow fever. You may have chosen not to be vaccinated so you’ll just visit other countries.
Can't see why we cannot lift restrictions totally, all vulnerable vaccinated. Holidays are abit diffrent as it depends on the country you are visiting the amber list is pointless though. Should be we either can or can't go.
Hmm...could be partly to do with this... https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/covid-pfizer-delta-indian-variant-b1859620.html
We all want that. The question is how to do it without letting COVID get hold again. There's already been too many needless deaths from it.
That is a sad thought mandating masks can't see it happening but it would kill the pub game if they did i know people who won't go back utill the masks are gone. Walking across the pub with one on and then sitting down and taking it off does seem silly.
I live abroad and haven't seen my family for 18 months. I'm fully vaccinated and have also had an antibody test, yet I'm still expected not only to get a covid test before flying, but also TWO more in the UK at a ridiculously inflated price. If it was just me I'd suck it up, but three of us need them. To be honest if nothing has changed by August I'll just bite the bullet and pay for it, but I think it's pretty ridiculous at this stage to be demanding so many tests even from people who are very obviously not a risk.
Quite enjoyed reading this thread, varying opinions put across passionately and sensibly in the main. I just want to offer my congratulations to you here though, for being the hardest man on Earth.
Yes I agree with that, but masks been a permanent thing indoors would be grim. When doing the shop I've had enough with one on for one hour constant feel for the people who wear them for 8 hours plus at work and with no proof they make a difference.
You might consider yourself fully vaccinated, but if you had the Pfizer jab and come across the Indian variant, your levels of neutralising antibodies are 5 times lower against it than for the original strain. They have also concluded that doses 12 weeks apart haven't afforded the best protection. Surprise, surprise.
People that want to get on with their lives can certainly do things like you say. The going abroad thing is a bit of a ****** at the minute but apart from that we seem to be moving forward.
I took a three hour flight in a mask a few weeks ago, which was pretty uncomfortable. My mate lives in Bali and he had to fly back to the UK earlier this year for a family emergency. 12 hours from Singapore to London in a mask. Absolutely horrible.