Pathetic actions by the ECB. Banning a 27 year old for things he has written on twitter as a naive teenager. Jeez.
And has played countless county games since. Big up to the saddo who has gone throigh years of Robinson's historical social media postings.
Shameful by the ECB. What he said was wrong and he should have known better as he was an adult with no excuses. But as Michael Vaughan said the other day didn't ECB think to do a background check on him before calling him up? Suspending him for something he did before hitting the big time is odd. It's like when Andre Gray got in bother for what he said on Twitter as a non league player many years before.
Using this as the main part of my lesson this Wednesday on digital footprints - whatever you post has a habit of coming back to haunt you unfortunately. Dealing with plenty of issues at the moment with children aged 10 - cyberbullying, racism, foul language. Where does it start and where does this stop? Why has this only just come out is the question that needs asking?
If i ever become famous im screwed. Oh to be perfect. The guy takes 7 wickets in the.match and scores 42 in the first innings on debut. His reward. An international suspension.
Hopefully learned his lesson then. You don't have to be famous - common practice in schools for management to look at your social media presence when applying for a job. Lesson we try to get over to kids - think before you post as it can come back to haunt you!
Putting aside the rights and wrongs, it still baffles me that as people move I to the public spotlight they don't preemptively delete all social media accounts.
Correct action for me. You can hardly make statements about diversity and inclusiveness and not mark this sort of thing with some sign of disapproval. Doesn't need to be a long ban given the historic nature of the comments, but they can not go unmarked. Otherwise you're saying that sort of thing is OK so long as you're not famous. It's not acceptable. Period.
And he is now 27 and had plenty of time to change his views -which he appears to have done. Its just dumb to pick him for his first test wait until he has a great game and then suspend him because a journalist who has no interest in the general good decides to use him for clickbait.
Not doing due diligence is a legitimate criticism to throw at the ECB, but once his Tweets were brought to their attention, the ECB had to take action. Unfortunately for Robinson that's what's happened.
Culpable at age 10 - this is what we are trying to get over to the children. All those on social media at 10 who shouldn't be on until 13.
Well he's locked his account now but the other Ollie Robinson cricketer had to pin a tweet saying it's not him . Not sure 8/9 years ago what the policies were around You would think though that at some point during that period he'd clean up his SM accounts but don't know when he was last active on it?
In all honesty I don't think a tweet made at age 10 would have attracted the same attention but you're right, age of criminal responsibility is 10.
Leach will play next week anyway, probably Stone too. It’s a situation the ECB has to act on. He’s been suspended for one game I’d imagine, One that he might not have played in anyway. Harsh lessons learned