Most other countries have table service at bars and have had that for years. It can be more difficult for a busy town centre pub, but its also bl00dy annoying having to fight your way through the crowd to get to a bar and then taking another 20 minutes to get served before having to fight your way back to your group - if they haven't left in the meantime....
You do realise they are many many diseases that can be passed when opening a human body up to perform surgery blood diseases for one. Again its abit diffrent. Show me some evidence that the cloth masks have made a difference through the pandemic?
There you’ve hit the nail on the head. A surgical team wearing masks is one part of a whole slew of measures designed to protect you. In isolation it would achieve something but not offer complete protection. Glad we have finally got that out of the way. Here you go crack on with a bit of reading. Education is a wonderful thing. Sounds fun (not) for those going to the game on Thursday. The most vital months of the year for any business that does hospitality and they have to make sure all those restrictions are in place. The sooner they are all dropped the better. Really hope Boris holds his nerve and we are in our final two weeks.
Suppose we will never know how many lives we have "saved" with 15 months of restrictions vs lives lost and destroyed by restrictions either.
We have a university professor being allowed to tweet fear like this.... Meanwhile in the real world that goes on actual fact....
You don't think he should be allowed to tweet his opinion on how we should react to another potential outbreak? You can disagree with it, but don't see why it should be censored.
He says we are facing another outbreak as serious as the one we had earlier this year. That's his opinion but people will read it and believe it when it's just not the case. It's not on being able to spread fear like that when the facts say otherwise. Hospital admissions in places like Blackburn and Bolton are going back down yet this professor says stuff like this... I genuinely do not know what stats he's looking at to think a delay is a good thing and that we should live with restrictions long term.
You have, on numerous occasions this past year plus, spread fear through posting tabloid rumours and random tweets, yet you knock someone for doing the same?? On one occasion I recall you posting something that raised my anxieties as it had something directly to do with my personal circumstances at the time and I called you out on it too. No apology. Don't know how you have the cheek!
It was something along the lines of him saying I (not literally directed at me) wouldn't be able to see my daughter or girlfriend due to rumours rules around bubbles were going to be scrapped and I lived alone at the time, was going through a very rough ride with my mental health and suicidal. But no problem, you keep posting your rumours DB... This is the problem with threads like this too. No ***** given whatsoever about how people reading it feel when people are scaremongering every 2 mins. Yes maybe I shouldn't read them. People do though.
The comparison to the little effect face masks have indoors to the ppe surgeons use to prevent getting things such as hepatitis is chaulk and cheese maybe we should have been wearing these years ago for the flu, although I think the bad out weight the good with the damage they do to the environment. Mr Attenborough got mentioned alot in a thread a few days ago with inspirational Englishmen I bet he isn't happy with all the disposable ones thrown about everywhere we will be picking them up forever and with everyone over 30 offered the vaccine and deaths at 0 they masks need to go asap for me.
Why ask for proof of you aren’t going to read it and then go off at a random tangent. The best current information is that mask wearing in conjunction with other measures offers you around 79% protection.that’s the highlights. It’s not a small impact at all.
An other poster showed you facts which you chose to ignore like you usually do from time to time. If a mask offered 79% effectiveness or anything like that we would have seen a drop when they became mandatory not a rise on 2 occasions. Its not random its a point of view on the whole mask debacle.
Yes maybe to celebrate the 0 deaths each day from covid I bet alot more balloons were released today then disposable masks ditched.... its the end of the world as we know it.
I wouldn't say they were facts. It was one interpretation of mask effectiveness and there's countless others which come to the opposite conclusion.