No one is claiming to be perfect. And I'm certainly not wanting him hung drawn and quartered! However, we are talking about 1 test match whilst the matter is being looked into.
The leisure minister..... hmmm, well his boss made equally racist (as well as sexist and homophobic) pronouncements well into his 40s and 50s. Not just on Twitter either, in the pages of the national press. I suppose Dowden is wary of throwing stones when Boris Johnson lives in a (dodgy donor decorated) glass house.
Robinson.was then ordered by the ECB to make an apology to the press and his team mates on the day it all got uncovered and he probably had forgotten he had done it. Root has laid in to him publicly and so have many others (ex players and media). The guy was on his arse back then (depression and alcohol issues).and has turned himself around. He is clearly a different person now to then. Cant help feeling that all this has done.more damage to Robinson than good.
It appears the lad is being hung out to dry though, a career in the balance through stupidity of youth. I've just watched an interview with Michael Carberry ex- England cricketer, and to say it was scathing of the ECB and Robinson is an understatement, he and what he termed as 'The black community' are not willing to forgive. Then there will be no end at all to the blight of racism. The Tango requires two.
Do you have a link to that? I'd be very interested in watching that - Carberry speaks very well and was certainly hung out to dry by the ECB after that disastrous Ashes series a few years ago.
As a point of consistency I don’t think Robinson should be punished if he is remorseful and has shown it. I also think Shamina Begum should be allowed to return home - she was only 15 when she was groomed. Seems Boris and others, don’t want to forgive her but are ok with Robinsons youthful transgressions - but then again Boris is a bit of a racist himself.
OK, so speaking to my no.1 daughter about the actual tweets and it seems like more what teenagers apparently were saying back then as "banter" as opposed to downright racism/ sexism.
I'm the only one who has used that term and it wasn't just directed at this particular incident but the culture we have at the moment in general.
just out of interest given that he has clearly changed since 10 years ago what is achieved by making him attend courses on racism and homophobia now?
To be fair Loko, your initial post was probably the one I agreed with most in this thread - there was punishment without it being over the top. I can only assume the ECB are using this as an example and there are currently 100s of county cricketers now deleting a shed load of tweets and making accounts private - which is a shame as interacting with fans is a key part of their 'job'. Dom Bess has already deleted his twitter today.
He's passionate yes, speaks well? No he doesn't unfortunately, he regards the whites as one community and the blacks as another community, this in itself is a very dangerous thought process, he's already split the country into 2 groups, I think in terms of Country as in all of us.
Have you actually seen the tweets Helen? I don't know if there's more to the ones I've seen but the one claimed to be sexist is just an immature kid making an ill informed joke about watching boxing on the sofa with a girl. Hardly worthy of anything more than a clip round the ear. It's difficult to discuss the racist ones, because obviously all forms of racism are bad, but there's levels and other than the one about the Asian smiley emoji they're not tweets that display aggressively racist behaviours. Stupid, uncalled for, and in need of stamping out? Yes. Worth having your career ruined over when you've shown remorse and essentially reformed your character? Absolutely not.