This is the sort of thread that consumes bandwidth and makes things grind slowly to a halt. I for one will not be contributing to this nonsense by replying. So there.
Fastest growing thread I ever saw was the loose one on Mido's shirt. Gained a pound on it's own on his debut.
Either the American Election thread last year (> 4,000 posts) or the classic “is there a God” thread, which I do not know the length of. The reason is that football related posts normally get broken up among many many threads on here for whatever reason, so they never get very long.
Suggesting that anyone who gambles in horses is compliant in their deaths led to a barrage of replies which went 10 pages in a couple of hours.. touched a reight nerve, that did.
No-one else here for the Charlie Bishop religious XI thread then? The internet was just a toddler at the time, so we definitely broke it.