I always thought this was an interesting line... "And try to look as if you don't care less, But if you wanna see some more" ...from the middle of Bucks Fizz's "Making Your Mind Up".
Sherrif Fatman started out is business as a granny farmer He was infamous for fifteen minutes And he appeared on Panorama Then he somehow got on board a Starship Enterprise Allowance Scheme With a Prince of Wales Award For pushing Valium and amphetamines.........
Thanks. Was on a festival bill with them once.France somewhere. Manics & Cure headlined. Someone google & remind me.
One for a Barnsley fan & a precious member of this lovely forum.. I want my records back. & the motorcycle gas tank that I spray painted black. The Owls have been talking to me....
How can you lie there and think of england When you don't even know who's in the team Billy Bragg, Greetings to the New Brunette