11 years of conservative government, closing courts,changing payment methods and lowering fees. In the old days, this would have been heard in a Magistrate court within 28 days and probably sent up to a County/High court to be heard within 6 months. Beware the party of Law and Justice, they don't believe in it.
major international problem with web-sites - major outage affecting Amazon - gov.uk site etc etc. - don't know if this was linked to the Stendel/Barton case??
Was an interpreter present? If not why not? Both sides agree to the use of one and little time wasted. Or a judge imposes the use of one.
You forgot to say that under the last labour government the justice system ran like clockwork, fulfilled all their targets and never ever got a verdict wrong.
Shame its been suspended due to translation doubts though, to be fair to the courts who saw that problem coming?
There is a small difference, they pretend they’ve an interest in the NHS because to not do so would lose them a few votes. But they absolutely sell themselves as the party of law and order as it’s a major concern of their voter base. They make a lot of noise about reducing crime, raising sentences etc. But the reality is you can’t have justice on the cheap. And saving money for the billionaire diners is a lot more important than a functioning legal system.
Apologies for my omission. To be honest I was reflecting family and acquaintances concerns, who work in the legal profession. I was critical of the previous Labour government for undermining of the right to trial,detention without charge, anti terrorism legislation, etc. The common thread is that for the past 20 years, we have had an Executive, (government), who have had to be prevented from denying all UK citizens the right to justice. The Judiciary are not perfect but do make politicians accountable and prevent them exceeding their remit and power. It is a worrying time for us all,with the behaviour of the current PM, not seen since the 17th Century in the UK. I wasn't trying to make a political point or support one party over another. I accept that the majority of people are not interested in the nuances of Law. As I say about the NHS,once it's gone,it's gone. My remarks are in reaction to 40years of the Conservative party, claiming to be the party of Law and order. When the evidence of the last 11years, Privatising Prisons,Probation,Rehabilitation, halving the number of Police officers, reducing funding for Prevention schemes. Would disprove that.
Perfect? No Better than the present? Yes. And by a long way. you can’t remove money from every corner of the system and be surprised when it stops working.
I’d guess that Daniels English isn’t as good now as it was at the time of the incident. Use it or lose it.
Guy Bell (@guymbell) Tweeted: Joey Barton's new trial will take place on Friday, November 26. The Bristol Rovers manager's trial was stopped yesterday due to issues with the video link to Germany for Daniel Stendel's evidence and concerns over translation. Looks like it won't be too long a wait.