Definitely not sinister in any way, and definitely just about sensible, scientific measures to prevent a virus spread and not anything more.
This sort of stuff will be going on well into 2024, get used to it. Forget fkn Brexit, this is the real project fear.
We’re thanking them for moving the arbitrary, non scientific curfew (a curfew, by the way. In peace time) from 9pm to 11pm, so that people can watch half a game in the evening sessions? Ooh, thank you for these wonderful freedoms you’re allowing us. Previously sensible, intelligent folk have been scared so much that they’re willing to try and justify literally anything.
But did they allow more fans in later than normal? I'm pretty sure they did. If you get so passionate about stuff like this, why don't you get yourself into politics so you can affect real change? I'm sure loads would vote for you.
I'd rank sinister actions relatively. You might want to start anywhere with the UKs governments actions towards parliament, justice, public services, tendering, and so on. They are much more damaging to the fabric of our futures than having to space ourselves and show some restraint in spreading disease. But each to their own and all that.
I agree. I don't see what ranting about it constantly on a Barnsley FC forum does for the cause other than run your own mental health into the ground. It isn't even in this bloody country. Must be some global Gilead-esque plan to oppress us permanently, though. How weak we are for not ranting too on a footy forum. We must desperately want all of this, that is the only possible conclusion you can draw
I just find it tedious. I honestly haven't got the mental space to think too deeply into the pandemic anymore, I'm just trying to live my life as best I can within the current guidelines. I want things to get back to normal, but I'm ok waiting.
I feel exactly the same. I should have been in Bali tomorrow. It has affected me massively, but id rather things be rolled out like they have been than have another lockdown in a couple of months time. I want this to end for good. Getting sick of a select few saying people want this forever, etc etc... nobody does. It isn't just you suffering if you haven't noticed- stop the OTT doom mongering and do something about it if it bothers you so much. Protesting on here achieves **** all other than getting stuff off your own chest and potentially making others anxious and/or more depressed in the process. People are shitting themselves about their livelihoods and you're telling them this is going to go on forever- yeah, im sure they're delighted to read that every 2 mins!!!