It's a restriction on capacity / supply. But fans can still go and watch sport at the moment. What % capacity are allowed into the West Stand these days?
I joined the conversation when i read some responses from people who were trying to argue there were no extreme restrictions, i realise you can watch stuff if you're lucky enough to get a ticket (unlike me in the play-offs) but i'd say that a 30% restriction is extreme. Think we may be talking at cross purposes.
Possibly. I was responding to the line "No Football or other sports as a fan" which I don't believe to be true. I think over-egging what the current state of restrictions are won't help when debating specifics such as when the events / arts industry can be viable to resume.
Whenever anyone corrects you and points out that what you're saying is wrong, you just ignore it and plow on. You can "literally" do almost everything you posted earlier.
It's nowhere near as far away from 2019 as you choose to believe, but crack on. There's very little you could do on the 10th June 2019 that you can't do today. Have you actually looked at the restrictions recently? Because half of the stuff that you've claimed are not possible are very much allowed and have been for a few weeks at least (and are not currently in danger of being brought back in by the 21st being delayed by a couple of weeks) Foreign travel is very much possible, to claim it isn't is a bit silly. There are some countries that may not let you in, but the 21st being delayed doesn't affect that at all. There have been no limits on social contact for weeks, the 21st being delayed doesn't affect that at all. You can go to the pub with your mates. You can dance and sing as much as you want. My understanding is that the only things currently not allowed are nightclubs and full sporting/theatre/concert/etc events. The latter of which you can still do, just not in a full stadium/theatre. So just nightclubs then really. Not dismissing that at all, I know it affects a lot of peoples livelihoods while they stay closed and it will be a massive help in that regard when they open again, but if you're being honest how many times did you go to a nightclub in 2019?
Other than going on holiday- which I was meant to be doing tomorrow- I can't think of anything I wouldn't otherwise be doing right now. I guess I could throw my dummies out the cot and demand that 31 people can come into my garden or complain that I can't sing out of tune in my local, though If you want to focus on all the negatives then that's your prerogative but I'll focus on the positives and enjoy what we can do and will be able to do in the coming weeks and months. Life has been crap for too long as it is. That is infinitely better than dwelling on how **** things are (which changes absolutely nothing whatsoever) and it having a negative impact on my wellbeing as well as others around me.
Whilst strictly speaking it's true you can go to a concert/theatre in reality you can't. They're not viable at present and won't be until restrictions are lifted hence tours being cancelled/shifted back.
How so? Genuine question. I know you have to isolate upon return from the vast majority of countries, but surely that's different from "being held prisoner on the island" as you put it earlier? The majority of countries you isolate at home. It's going to be difficult for people that are unable to work from home, I don't argue with that at all, but it's not exactly a prison sentence is it?
It is overexaggeration as per usual to suggest we are being held prisoner, but I agree it is not really a viable option to travel overseas at present. Too many hoops to jump through and run risk of that changing at any moment as per Portugal this week.
For 90% of people isolating after a holiday isn't a option. The red Amber and green code is a get out for the government. It should be either red dont go or green safe to go without restrictions.
you can go to them though. I’ve received numerous mailers for tickets. There may be distancing in place and other measures, but this constant position that you can’t do anything is just a lie, and it needs to stop or at least give accurate context.
As you well know, the overwhelming majority of people, including all those who have children, are unable to practically isolate for ten days on return. And despite all the reactionaries on here claiming we’re overwhelmed with incoming flights, the huge majority of flights out of the country are still being cancelled. You’ve only to literally look overhead at any point to realise that.