Bit different from saying "literally can't do any" though isn't it? Like I say carry on complaining about it for the next few weeks and see how that goes for you. I can guarantee it'll make you feel worse. Dwelling on it won't change it.
Thanks for that valuable contribution as always. Not going to expand on that at all? Just stick your head in the ground and pretend you can't do anything, it'll be fine. Keep getting angry about not being able to do things that you can do.
you absolutely can, I suggest you look at what’s happening and the latest rules. If you want to deny to yourself what you’re able to do, fine, but don’t try and convince others when the evidence to the contrary is obvious.
Not even this crap Tory Govt would promise that. They said it was subject to change. Hopefully it will go ahead. If it doesn't maybe you could complain on here a bit more cos that will really show them wont it
I don't argue with that, but there are still countries that you can visit without isolation. I know they're not the cheapest destinations so I do get your point. But even so it's a bit different to how you framed it as "imprisoned on the island" isn't it?
Foreign travel is possible in theory but if your destination is in amber or red zone then its not worth the hassle and to 90% of people not possible. Even if its in green zone you run the risk of going there then it changing to amber or red mid holiday then a mad rush paying extortionate flight prices to get back You can go pub although I know many who like to sit around the bar and won't go back untill masks and distancing are done Signing and karaoke and pool aren't on in the pubs I've been in
When I was at a bar the other week they got up and said 'stay in your seats, wear mask for toilet and dont scream or sing'.
What a total nightmare. That would ruin my week. Seriously, is that really the end of the world and something to get worked up about???
I can't find anything official that states this, so maybe you can point me in the right direction? Sounds a lot like pub specific policy to me.
Well i'm pleased that some venues can show things but that doesn't change the position that it is unviable for a large number of venues to open hence why most concert venues/theatres are currently closed and have been since the start of this and why tours are being shifted to later in the year/next year. An accurate context would be that a small number of events can go ahead at reduced capacity but due to the onerous extreme restrictions the vast majority can't.
Maybe for some people the personal restrictions aren't felt quite as hard as others. I can't go to football, have had my holiday cancelled (not my choice), can't go in to my office, can't meet my clients and can't even putt with the flag out .
All of those things are the same for me, right down to golf. It isn't going to do me any good sitting at home getting depressed and worked up about it though. Its beautiful weather outside, just have to make the most of the many things we can do and hope its sorted soon.
Nothing stopping you getting your mates together and having a few beers in your garden round a BBQ if you're after some singing and some "mad bantz". Life really isnt that bad.
Pub rules everywhere are table service only. So the dance all you like is clearly not allowed. You can only leave your seat for a ****
I don't know the percentage of places open, but it is definitely "some" which immediately denies and refutes the other posters assertion that it was impossible. I've just had my second jab and noted the cinema in peckham opened just over a week ago. So some cinemas are also open. I don't understand what the point is of those denying things have opened up. We can have sex, hug, get on a plane, see theatre, go in a pub. Its howling at the moon the like of which I've never seen, even with brexit. It is truly ridiculous.