Where we had stopped travel or not the 2nd and 3rd lockdowns would have happened because the 1st lockdown never stopped the covid in the UK. It was never going to anyway lockdowns just halt the spread for a while and give the NHS time to recover. We still had our own problem at the time your talking about.
I'd have thought you would have had a word with how strong your feelings are.on covid, face masks and rule breakers... shame on you
I'm not happy about it and obviously I wouldn't do it, nor would you. But what do you say to a CEO of a business who is going to his holiday home to work and will be working from his home when he returns? He's quarantining. So he's abiding by laws. He drives there, so it's not like he's spending time around others. The supplier is going to visit her family in Malta, who am I to say she shouldn't see her family? I may act differently myself, and I may comment on things, but they are their own people and they will make their own choices accordingly.
Hospitalisations were coming down including deaths, then they unlocked for foreign travel. First 8 weeks of foreign travel the original strain was under control. Week 3 1st signs of new variant arrived. The government stood still, by week 8 end of August beginning of September the Alpha strain along with ZAF and BRA strains were active. Scientists 2nd week of September were calculating that the Alpha strain would become dominant and more virulent. Again government stood still. Everyone front line knew what was happening and why, yet the government didn't? NZ and Aussies closed their borders, no one in, no one out. Guess what they're all in stadiums, pubs, workplaces etc.
The 1st variant was always going to come back the lockdown only put it on hold it was always coming back. I know you don't want to belive that for certain "reasons" but thats the truth. Your right about the amber list its a joke.
We don't disagree the system is far from perfect (like everything else this govt has done, it's an absolute sh 1tshow). And I agree that for many people a 10 day quarantine at home is impractical - but many isn't 90%, it's not even close (see below). Only one of my colleagues has cancelled their holiday to an amber list country, because she's a carer. Everyone else I know who's planning to go abroad is still hoping to go (only won't go if the destination becomes red or if the holiday is cancelled. And for most of us, even if our chosen holiday is cancelled, we'll look to go elsewhere instead. Where are you going on holiday? I've got 2 holidays to greek islands booked this year, fairly confidant I'll be going on at least one of them. Like I said it should either be red or green do you agree? Only if green means some testing and if people would be sensible - unfortunately people aren't sensible, also I'd like the government to have a better view of what regions are safe - for instance the spanish and greek governments have bent over backwards to make the islands safe for tourists whilst neglecting the mainland because they need the tourism income. The fact holiday firms are giving refunds and allowing re booking on amber destinations speaks volumes. They'll have taken legal advice and be fairly certain that whilst the government isn't banning travel to certain places, the restrictions mean it's not viable for many travellers. Let's cut the crap it's less - there's zero chance it's more Roughly 20% of the UK population is 65+ right now. and a further 13.5% otherwise economically inactive. (now I've finished work I had time to look it up), so that's a third of the population who's work definitely won't stop them going on holiday. Add in the hundreds of thousands (a third of the working population according to ONS) who can work from home and there's a very good reason my soc media feed is full of holiday adverts. Well over a third of the population are able to isolate at home so your 90% is likely closer to 50% The reason there was a clamour to get home from Portugal ought to be obvious - loads of people who absolutely couldn't isolate took what they thought was their only chance of a foreign holiday - only to have the government then throw them under a bus (despite a promise that wouldn't happen).
Yes its not the fact that people are able to isolate its the fact people don't want to be a prisoner in there own home for 10 days on return. Grim end to a holiday Sat round pool think what shall we do when we get home? Can't wait to show my tan off? Or wait I've got to stay in house for a week and half...
The first signs of the Alpha variant were picked up in August. The first flight was identified coming in from Malaga I believe into Heathrow. The Alpha variant spread nationwide by end of September. ONS released this data a few weeks ago and was reported by C4 dispatches. It was the Alpha variant that then caused the shambles that was further local lockdowns in Greater Manchester and other places. Yes schools and colleges helped it spread but we locked down in November due to the Alpha variant. Only way that came in was because of foreign travel.
Thanks - this response cuts straight to the heart of this thread... You (and others) would consider yourself a prisoner Me (and others) will just get on with our lives as best we can. I'll be working from home with plenty of contact with colleagues. finishing work, facetime calls with family, cooking, gardening, watching TV, listening to music and reading - everything I do now with the exception of spending actual time with the kids and grandkids and going shopping... for 10 days. So I'll miss one trip to the supermarket and one weekend of seeing family. I'm not a reader of the Sun - but I'm confidant the above doesn't sound like prison.
Mail readers are told what you described is a fortnight at Broadmoor.........or the life them on dinghies get.
Have I said that you said 15% of the UK population is economically inactive and 20% are over 65 there are a vast majority in those categories who won't want to travel hours in masks who won't want to quarantine on there return who to get on with there lives will probley just holiday in England. Just because your doing something that suits you and you don't mind quarantine doesn't mean everyone has your point of view or wants to do the same sorry to break that to you...
Ta(?) but that’s not even a response to my point - it’s just an angry rant. But I know lots of others ‘like me’. It’s not just me, there’s thousands flying out of the country every day. Just because it doesn’t fit your narrative, doesn’t mean it’s not true. Tui might be accommodating people who want to cancel their holidays, but they’ve also got a bargain price on testing kits for those who want to travel.
There probley are lots like you, everyone I have spoke to have moved there amber holidays as its not worth the hassle. Hopefully it isn't long before quarantine free travel to more destinations although America and Australia aren't letting us in untill 2022 earliest. Anyway have a nice trip wherever you go glad you are able to quarantine and It doesn't bother you
Let's also cut the crap and stop arguing over semantics of what percentage it is. The reality and cold hard fact is that for millions of people it is impossible to holiday abroad because we have made it illegal to do so at any affordable country unless you are privileged enough to be able to sit at home for a couple of weeks afterwards. Funnily enough it's the wealthy, retired and work from home lot who benefit the most again. What a coincidence
The other issue with traveling to amber countries is travel insurance i wouldnt fancy going abroad without it. I expect it to be more to amber countries or even unable to get at all to red and some amber destinations according to this https://www.nationalworld.com/lifes...-that-are-valid-for-amber-list-places-3261709