So the government have created a new defence for breaking the law or not wanting to follow the law and protocols they've already agreed to. Anyone who attacks them or states the truth, are now legal purists. WTF! Leftists Socialists Communists Snowflakes Wokeist Kneeist Flagist Queen pictureist Sausageist Purist
I'm not surprised, this government's approach to legal arguments became clear when Suella Braverman issued her statement on the Internal Market Bill. It demonstrated she's one of 2 things: 1. Dishonest and willing to knowingly misrepresent the legal position in support of the government, or 2. Too thick to properly grasp the legal arguments. Either way, she's a ******* disgrace and doesn't fulfil the criteria to be a competent practising solicitor, let alone Attorney General.
I tried to walk out of Morrisons with a trolley full of stuff earlier and the ******* legal purists made me pay for it.
"Legal purists" is totally spurious. Something is either compliant with the law or it isn't. There is no option along the lines of "let's pretend that it's ok".
I was only just exceeding the speed limit It was only a finger nail offside What I stole was virtually worthless It was a technicality Everyone does it You should be catching murderers. It is a bad law anyway. Et cetera I really hate it when people abrieviate "et cetera" ect. It is a Latin expression meaning "and the rest" or and the others - "et"being "and" Pedant moi?
To the every day person in the street, the language will be innocuous and probably will gain sympathy that the terrible big bully EU are asking the UK to do something unreasonable.... like follow an agreement that the UK willingly brokered, proposed and signed. That wilfully breaking international agreements and the law is bad enough. To blatantly lie in what they've done is disgusting. To then try and stoke the fires of xenophobia of its hateful voting base is something much much worse and every citizen in this country should be worried.
The thing that worries me is the lack of immediate consequences for those involved. They can just get away with whatever they like and its only a matter of time before they "reform" the courts to put the government above the law so even do gooder lefty lawyers can no longer inconvenience them We haven't had leaders like this in living memory, they are starting to make Thatcher look like a decent honest public servant and I cant see any way to stop it. The Foreign owned media are egging them on and we get distracted by dead cat stories about a babys name or the fact that a group of students decided they were bored with a photo in their common room and casusally skip over lies and lawbreaking from our leaders. Its an orwellian nightmare
Completely agree. If this was happening in say France, Germany or Italy, could you imagine the headlines we'd see in the media? Electoral boundary changes that give even more seats to the governing party. Judicial changes to prevent claims against them. Rewriting of recent history. Breaches of standards that make the tory sleaze years seem reasonable in contrast. Corruption, cronyism, fraud. All glossed over with 3 word soundbites that their friends and bullied media parrot. I can't believe what this country has become in just 5 years. And we're nowhere near the worst stages yet.
Im going out on a limb here.... but I think this mob never even read the agreement... the agreement they celebrated, that got them elected, that got the unelected bureaucrat Frosty a lordship, the agreement they stopped the house of commons scrutinising it because it was so good.... and now the only thing they have left is to blame someone else... again.
of course they havent. Dont you remember the Tories that wanted to read it were all kicked out of the party, and it was a condition of standing in the last election that they would support it no questions asked.
No No No Don’t you understand? It’s all Labours fault that we ended up with this shi tty deal. If only they’d... Voted through Mays deal (despite it being almost this same deal) Stood on a platform of Leave (and losing 2/3 of their votes) Something something Corbyn Anyway; like I said, Boris is a hero for getting this great deal through and if it’s crap it’s definitely Labours fault... Or the EU Or maybe Biden but... whatever; it’s definitely not Boris’
Wonder who the kicked fat bag of straw will blame on Monday for extending the lockdown restrictions beyond June 21st due to the 'Johnson' variant taking hold in our country, which is over 4000 miles away from India by the way. The Irony of all this is many voted to leave the EU on the basis of being able to control our borders against a mainly ficticious threat, the time when a proper very dangerous threat presented itself where we needed to control our borders.... we didnt.
I wonder if Laura Kuenssberg will use the associated press conference to ask him why the border with India wasn't shut earlier?