Here are a few of mine Wet hair that has been left in the bath (i live with 3 women with lots of head hair) Used sticking plasters Cotton wool Overflowing waste bins
Seeing somone vomiting Hearing someone vomiting Seeing and hearing someone vomit Baby sick Dirty nappies
I'm lucky. Never had kids. And met my wife when here eldest was 13 and youngest was 8 so fortunately i missed out on the messy era.
Wow. Imagine someone buying you a peach tree that was growing out of a terracotta pot sat on an emery board plinth. Nightmare.
If I touch it, it sets my teeth on edge, same if I accidently touch the unglazed bit on the underside of a plate or mug... Jeezus, it's horrible!
Open edges, and seeing people standing on them. Swimming in open water. Jellyfish. The last two are connected. 3-0 leads with five minutes left (Ipswich March 96)
My Kryptonite is cotton wool, just saying it goes through me. If I'm around it, and folk touch it I start to gip. The noise of it just floors me.