So it's not banned everywhere then? Can you tell me how that law is going to be legally enforced? I don't think we have police force numbers to be in attendance at every venue in the land. Especially when most of them seemed to have transferred to carbis bay in Cornwall for the next few days.
At the start it was over 80s didn't matter as they'd had a good innings and were stopping the young ones being able to go out and party. Now apparently it's the under 50s who are at a lower risk that don't matter. Three more people in hospital and one extra death in the past week compared to the figures of the previous seven days. Clearly vaccines work. Over half the country are fully vaccinated. I read today public transport is around 70% of pre covid so people have had enough and are getting back out there more.
Perhaps you can answer me this. What specifically is it that you're looking to do on the 21st that pushing it back by 2 to 4 weeks would prevent?
Masks hopefully no longer being mandatory, done with social distancing so venues can pack out again and hopefully it leading to hearing less about covid in the press. It says today we have 158 people on a ventilator. We should be able to cope with that as a nation of over 66 million people. Those going to hospital are younger so spending less time there and needing less treatment. A lot of people catching covid are catching it at hospital for something else. I would completely understand if in Autumn/Winter when it gets colder/darker we had to bring back a few minor things for a short period if hospital numbers shot up. But now with all the stats better than even SAGE expected we should be making the most of the warmer summer period as we don't know what might be around the corner later this year.
Fully agree, there are far more important issues out there right now, the fact that more cancer patients are dying because they can’t get the treatment they need, there is a huge backlog! And not to mention how stretched mental health is right now! This is the perfect time to open up, with the weather being how it is. More people outside can only be a good thing.
I don't think Boris realises what **** is coming his way when he officially announces it. I think he reckons the good sheep of England will continue to bow to him like they have for nearly a year and a half. This time it's different. He said data not dates and data isn't bad. Someone testing positive for Covid is being treated in stats as if they are all ill when they are not. The protests we've seen in London many times will spread across the whole country. If a big group go in a pub with no masks are cops going to come and deal with it? Of course not they have more important things to deal with. If enough people say they have had enough it will be interesting to see what Boris did then.
If I remember correctly, masks were not confirmed to be relaxed on the 21st anyway, so all you're really going to be delayed on is social distancing. The 21st has nothing to do with what the press reports, so to use that as a reason for being so adamant against the date being delayed is laughable really. And as I pointed out the other day (which you so predictably ignored) the hospitalisations being below the sage predictions means absolutely nothing without the data on what they predicted the cases to be at 2 weeks ago.
You know what, I have had a fantastic day; Went to see mi Mam. Called at Morrisons & got some booze. Went for a 20K walk along the T.P.T.(built up a thirst) Had a nice meal with Di & Katie. Been in touch with mi lad Steven. Now drinking a few Westons. A simple & enjoyable life. My point is thus: If you cannot do the things that you take for granted, try something else. We're all fed up of this current situation, I get that but it is what it is, try & make the most of it, the sun will shine again my friends. Trust me.