Sorry cocker - my bad. I apologise. It just gets my goat when people quote 'evidence' without actually showing it. You know what I've read and its credibility - but I don't know yours. Sadly, you are mistaken if you think that the restrictions have no impact on cases. I have no axe to grind - I've tried to put up a decent interpretation of the current position.
You literally linked a tweet saying "To early to conclude anything" with your own caption of "looks good". Couldn't make it up...
Neither do I. Why would governments all over the world deliberately want to destroy their economies, losing trillions in output and costing themselves trillions in COVID support. What would they get out of doing so? Some people need their bumps feeling.
So right. Rather like those who say certain politicians wanted war. It's utter crap. Every dollar you spend on war (or fighting a pandemic) limits the amount you can spend on carrying out your manifesto promises. I'm cast iron certain that even Johnson's government don't want to retain restrictions for the fun of it. There are many sets of data or info out there, and you have to pick out those you rely and act upon. At the end of the day I think there are greater minds than mine analyzing all of this. You might disagree with certain conclusions and the restrictions that they deem must follow, but I'd not like to be the person making that judgement. It has to be made by cooler minds than those with vested interests. Life and health have to trump economics. Economic activity will always recover, even though individuals and businesses have to regroup. There are bigger interests at play.
They had it anyway. Were you asleep for Brexit and the GE? This is a worldwide pandemic restrictions have been deemed necessary almost everywhere.
No strings required. They control you by magnetism via the metal in the microchips Bill Gates has implanted in the vaccines.
At the flick of a switch they've determined a persons: Income/Career Social life Dating life Hobbies Holidays Never before have politicians had such control over every aspect of lives.
Are you going to ignore it again when I say that this data is meaningless without the case predictions? I suspect so. Just because you don't understand the data does not mean the data proves what you think it does.
Well, in this country the government would destroy the economy because it would save the inconvenience of a referendum!
Those figures don't stack up with the dashboard, even considering the dashboard is one day behind. The figure there is 1,089 reported on Thursday 10 June.