I don't disagree in principle, but a current affairs channel is branded as "GB News"... anyone would therefore consider it to be a news based channel. What also needs to be considered are the governments attacks on the BBC (and C4), including its appointments, to feature much more right leaning sentiment while roundly attacking anything that comes close to criticising the government. Emily Maitlis' treatment after her opening intro on newsnight was pretty appalling. The attacks on Charlie Stait and Naga Munchetty for mocking the ridiculous flags cabinet members have behind them. if we are a country of free speech, should such things not be allowed without official rebuke? And thats before we get into the realm of plants that go on in the media to convey a view they want to give rather than a view they've happened upon.
Absolutely should be allowed providing what is said is legal. I agree the title is odd. I wonder if they initially intended on being more of a Sky / BBC News direct competitor and changed course down the line. I guess the Beeb and Sky also have 'shows' on their channels rather than just a newsdesk. So in terms of regulation, force them to split into 24hr newsdesk channel and a different channel without the word news in the title, if only to make it easier for the public to understand what is being reported as the truth or just someones opinion.
The initial feedback of this GB incarnation was there was minimal actual news on there, I didn't see it live, but given Andrew Neils tone from the BBC, it's not unsurprising. I don't think splitting would be of much benefit at all truth be told, there is plenty of time to have specific segments in there. The Climate Show on Sky has been a fantastic and much needed aspect of news and associated commentary. My bigger concerns are reducing neutrality and the attack on anything that is more centrist to left leaning, and the part the government is playing in that.
Ok yeah, 'neutrality' is the key. But it shouldn't have to promote a centrist / left agenda if it is offering a different view, the BBC do a good enough job on that front (I'm sure you'll probs see the Beeb as the opposite but that's just opinion likewise so is mine). Basically it just boils down to News needs to be factual from any outlet. Opinion can be left/right or centrist. I've put it on in the background for the last hour and tbh, it is pretty much just opinion and discussion, nowt outrageous. Think they are struggling for talking points though.
Andrew Neil v Boris Johnson. Now, that, would have been interesting, if a proposal had ever been put forward.
News should be news, I agree. But you don't have to look hard for bias and the prism through which numerous media companies present it. One of the things that would assist with interpretation (though I can see that it is unlikely to happen given the imbalance in the favour of those who wish it that way) is for the presenter to have to display their allegiance. Either a broadcasters register of interests for the company and its presenters/journalists, and what conflicts of interest they have. Eg, if covering brexit, what way did they vote etc. It won't happen, but it would at least allow more transparency and highlight the bias and vested interests.
https://www.express.co.uk/showbiz/t...iewer-figures-launch-show-beats-BBC-Sky-video It beat Sky and BBC in the news ratings.
It will for a week or two while folk are checking it out, normal service will resume eventually. It happens with websites too, a few years ago a Rightmove/Zoopla alternative popped up called onthemarket.com, it was massive for a week and out performed all the big portals, turns out all the traffic was other estate agents having a look at what it was all about, when we all figured out it was sh it all the traffic went back to the usual suspects
So… if we’re criticising it’s content; it’s not a news channel, it’s entertainment But if we want to brag about it’s ratings success, we pretend it’s News as it’s paltry viewing figures come nowhere near the major entertainment channels. DB3k in quoting misleading stats shocker.
Just don't give those xenophobic cuπts any exposure or publicity. Don't retweet them or post anything linking to them. Any channel hosting that fascist ***** Farage as their big opening guest doesn't need to explain their aim to you.
You can't really read too much into the ratings for the first few weeks, as they will be skewed by the curiosity factor.
And what is your view on the channel? I've just stuck it on whilst channel surfing after the Scotland game - and it's proper amateur hour stuff. Terrible sound quality, and the studio is essentially a portakabin. Your thoughts?
A few technical issues as to be expected, especially with the sound. From what I've seen so far, I expect that my view on the the content and yours will be poles apart.
I did catch the clip of Alan Sugar making Dan Wootton look like a complete chump - suppose that's to be expected really. Probably the wrong guest for Wootton - he likes to just shout over those who challenge his viewpoint.