The hospitality industry or Sarah and Luke the couple who decided to book their wedding for July 1st because Boris said that if everything went to plan they MIGHT be allowed weddings then? It's absolutely scandalous that hospitality is once again made the scapegoat (remember there's still no evidence it is a major source of transmission) but because idiots who booked a wedding are getting upset that they'll lose money the media have been all over it begging for them to be allowed and now it looks like the blonde racist will buckle, scapegoat the pubs and let the couple's get married and have a big party where presumably covid has been asked nicely to stay away.
Look at what happened at Christmas, trying to appeal to everyone rather than have the courage to say we need not to mix households.
not sure the majority in Hospitality and Entertainment "Believed" him more desperately hoped that just for once....
Hospitality didn't believe him, the point isn't that they believed or didn't, hospitality NEEDS to open up. You're right though, the people who booked weddings are idiots. Sadly they're being pandered to
My son works in hospitality and I know the problems they are facing. It’s an awful situation unfortunately this govt are not helping by blundering in trying to control infection. Their border control is deplorable.
To be fair to Johnson, the original advice was June 21st was the earliest day that everything would open if certain conditions were met. These conditions haven't been met, but he then took the first possible date and an irreversible roadmap and set the date in stone because people liked to hear it. Just like March 2020. Just like September 2020. Just like Christmas. Just like January. Just like Easter. You may note a pattern here. You may also note the same pattern around the TCA for Northern Ireland which Johnson refused to extend, or allow time for Parliament to debate, and now he isn't happy about it.
The thing I dislike about a lot of your posts lately is that they’ve become really divisive. I agree with you about hospitality, I’m sure most people do but you can champion their cause without slagging off ‘Sarah and Luke’ the imaginary couple. Earlier in the year your posts were all slagging off ‘Mabel’ the made up old person. If you want to get angry at someone get angry at Johnson who is making the decisions rather than trying to turn everyone against other ordinary people.
Getting quite personal again aren't you? I get it, you don't like me. Does that warrant the personal attacks?
Does hospitality *need* to open up? Or do you *want* hospitality to open up? - There is a big difference between the two positions. Another one is, has the hospitality industry and the staff that work in it had the required level of support to keep it viable during a time of enforced closure?
Which is exactly why I used completely made up names. Those people don't exist so it's not attacking them. It's generic and hypothetical. Am I angry at Boris? Yes. Do I think that the idiots who booked a wedding should be pandered to whilst hospitality is made a scapegoat? No. And it's exactly what's happening. There's no data that supports it at all is there? Yet I see engaged couples on BBC, itv and all the other usual places playing the victim. Sure they're victims of restrictions but in no more way than anyone else and certainly should not be a priority right now for a decision and ultimately a gamble that they foolishly took.