Lockdown began last year and the next day I was work 12 hour shifts at dungeness power station all while sharing digs locker rooms canteens for months with hundreds of other blokes that went home every other weekend to all four corners of the uk then we traveled back down on the Sunday to start again.. no social distancing no testing no masks no nothing and the station wasn’t even running.. you all have free will to make your own choices I followed absolutely 0 rules during the 1st lockdown I continued as normal I caught covid through work I isolated for two weeks then went back to work carried on as normal with hundreds of guys.. I have also travelled outside the UK numerical times my wife even went to turkey for surgery again you all have free will.. the ones on here moaning like hell saying we need to follow the rules if furlough ended tomorrow not a cat in hells chance would you be following this nonsense again
seems a bit extreme to get so worked up about wanting to stand up and get served in a pub, keep your distance and occasionally wear a mask. To the individual it isn’t much more than that. Obviously for businesses it is different. But not sure why anyone thinks the current restrictions are particularly restrictive.
Not really sure how you think we're at the end of this thing? 12,053,955 active cases worldwide as of now. If you think that's "the end" then there's little hope for you.
you’ve got to doubt the judgement of anybody who thinks Scholesisgod is a suitable name for a BFC fan site! Has he never heard of Ronnie Glavin?
Congratulations to Craig and Sapphire. But unless Fish and Marillion are the guest band it’s a Ceilidh not a Kayleigh.
I had to Google it mate, had no idea how to spell it. Shame they won't be there, I quite liked Marillion.
Regardless of whether the continuation of restrictions is justified this is not something to be proud of.
Then try not to think too much about ‘the end’ of restrictions. I feel like you’re pinning all your hopes and dreams on this magical ending rather than getting on with making now the best it can be. I truly do think you need to end the doom scrolling and focus on the positives (or at least the neutrals) for a bit. I’m not saying you have to agree with or like the restrictions but holding out for this one day where everything becomes perfect again before you let yourself be happy is unhealthy.
that’s completely irrelevant to what you now can or can’t do. If you’ve had a hard time of course I empathise. I’ve had 2 family members die of Covid so it’s not been exactly happy days for me either. But that’s equally irrelevant. There’s little you can’t do as an individual today that you will be able to do when the remaining restrictions are lifting. Stressing out about minor inconveniences won’t help you.