Probably been done before but just for fun, what words (real or otherwise) or phrases make you laugh when you hear em. Here’s 2 for starters: 1/ thicker than a castle door 2/ cockwomble
My Dad used to say that his brother "wipes his arse with both hands". Still haven't a clue what he meant, bless him.
Keeping with the money and tight-fisted theme, I Always liked the one where someone drops a coin and it hits them on the back of the head as they go to pick it up
My dad used to say," Tha as thick as a workhouse sandwich". & when i`d too many clothes on, " Tha wrapped up like a Khyber rifle."
Me and my auntie were once at the coast in summer. We were walking following a very large lady dressed in leggings. My auntie says "Christ she's got an a rse like a badly packed parachute!" Still makes me chuckle 30+ years later. Never heard anyone else use it either.
A phrase I’ve only ever heard once in regards to someone demolishing food quickly, and noisily…… Like a pig at a tatie