Currently doing an online presentation for a group of new administrators on money laundering, counter terrorist financing and the likes... One lass thinks Due Diligence is actually Jew Diligence and it's for identifying Israeli citizens because they are high risk customers. I thought she was making a bad joke, but alas, no.
Brilliant. A mate of mine used to think people of a certain weight were ‘a beast’. She was a third year medical student before she realised it was actually ‘obese’. She’s a consultant paediatrician now (and a very good one by all accounts).
I worked with an incredibly bright graduate with a first from Oxford, some 20 years ago now. We had to fax a report to the Manager on the job, so I sent her to do that. Just as she was leaving to do so, she turned and asked if she should make a photocopy first. Seemed she thought the paper somehow physically disappeared down the phone line.
My mate at work sang "Alone again" to OMDs smash hit 'Enola Gay' did it for 30 years apparantley, always thought they were the lyrics, thought it was a song about a love that was lost. I put him striaght of the bigger loss thay occured.