Nivea, Age Partnership, Postcode Lottery, Tui, Just Eat, Ibuleve, Kellogg's... there'll be more but I couldn't watch it any longer due to my eyes bulging out of my skull through pure rage. No need for the nomination, I see it as a public service.
I suspect some of those are down to very low entry advertising costs and therefore they've deemed it worthy of a speculative punt. Others won't be and will be much more idealistic. Either way, some disappointing names on that list considering the style of opinion pieces and type of people they have airing on the programme.
Don't be fooled by her pretty face. She was in a relationship with Lawrence fox remember and she's been banned from driving for being three times over the limit. Hardly the signs of a good decent person
Really, crikey, thats not good at all. Last I heard of her was that she was involved with soccer aid, so wasn't aware of what you just outlined. Grim. really grim. It seems one of the co owners of GB news also works for a company that has shares in itv . I'm sure you ll get some who will point blank refuse to watch it " because their not racist " but then quite happily tune into itv news as if they have standards . It's as if the same media moguls reside at both ends of the political spectrum and merely provide separate services to help gather as much advertising as possible for profit purposes .
They're based about 200 yards from the office I work in at Paddington basin. Happy to shove anyone in the water if necessary The FA Premier League are in the same building , so it has it's fair share of pancake flippers in there
Just saw a clip where Dan Wootton whipped up hate against anyone "pro lockdown" (whatever that means) to "harass the enemy". There's a clip of "anti lockdown" protestors hounding BBC Newsnights Nick Watt, one screaming in his face and multiple shouts of "traitor". Very ugly and I'd hope nobody would condone such behaviour, irrespective of points of view.
I'd take issue with your "both ends of the political spectrum" here. It's not as if ITV News are calling for the workers to rise up and seize the means of production.
And if Mr Watt spun around sent in a few tactical swedebutts followed up by a few sweet left hooks guess who'd be crying saying the woke snowflake fake media man beat them up. Not that I'd ever contemplate or support such behaviour.
It's the fùckers who aren't asking the government awkward questions that ought to be called traitors. Gove lying at his best today,saying India was placed on the red list before the Delta variant was a variant of concern. India was placed on the red list on April 23 rd, 14 days after Pakistan and Bangladesh had been placed on the red list because the Delta variant was a variant of concern. Utter charlatans.
It's this that greatly concerns me. That the government.... say that aloud to yourself... the elected government... is blatantly lying about simple facts that are in the open domain. The dates are clear. The rates of those countries from that time are clear and in the public domain, yet Gove (and anyone else asked to do the daily media rounds) state otherwise. They lie. Without thought, and sadly without repercussion. And it happens multiple times every single day. Our government. Lying to us. This isn't even about politics anymore. Its not about policy. It's about trust, decency and even if you try and spin something to make it less bad, at least not deviating from what is in the realm of truth. Every day. We are being lied to. and fair play to the world leaders at G7 for bringing that up. Though according to a downing street spokesperson, obviously, no such thing occurred and the publication o a french government statement, an american statement, the awkward photo ops, blanking of Johnson at various times by world leaders, they were all unfortunate coincidences or just didn't happen.
Today my union have again asked about the border policy and potential risks of new variants linked to summer travel again. The government response was to invite all line managers of reps to undertake training on how to deal with reps properly. Weird because there's already policy for this which is linked to legislation. First they came for..........