Corruption rife in the Met, there's a surprise. Orgreave, Hillsborough, Savill, phone hacking and Grenfell. Enquiry wasn't given adequate powers to compel witnesses but were able to come to these powerful conclusions. Yet again another report wants all freemason's to register their interests.
No one will resign , another report will be asked for taking years and the Police will carry on as ever covering their own backs
I hate corrupt officials, so much so that's why I've been moved from place to place within the very same government department. My career progression was cut off at the knees 10 years ago, let's just say it's because I wanted people to know something. Might also be the fact I turned down a very specific kind of invitation into a certain group, I just didn't know where to place my small finger and thumb during a handshake. That's why I became a union rep, certain people hate me so I thought I'd let them hate me a bit more.
If you've any interest in this (or true crime in general), then the podcast is a superb expose and will leave you shaking your head at the depravity of the Met Police. I first heard it a few years ago and it's mind boggling. It also goes all the way back to names like Andy Coulson and Rebekah Brooks..... I see Priti Patel has asked Crescanda Dick for information; one of the very people critisised in the report. Asking a corrupt organisation to report on a corrupt organisation - you couldn't make it up. She should resign.
Cressida Dick hasn't covered herself in glory for a while now and I suspect this will be the final straw. Of course, Patel will pivot to anything that absolves her of all blame and allows her to continue in role until Johnsons tenure ends.
I've been following this for years due to the clear behavioural links to other issues like Orgreave and Hillsborough. I actually spoke with Alistair Morgan around 9 years ago, and his brother's murder is the tip of the blade. The unholy alliance between Police, Murdoch press and the Thatcher government took corruption to new levels. It's always been going on but this stuff changed the face of our country and its still going on.
Cressida Dick, gave the order for Juan Carles Desmenais to be killed,without double checking he was person they were observing. He wasn't and a innocent man was murdered on the tube in front of members of the public and who now suffer permanently from PTSD. This country never apologised to his family,no one was convicted or sacked. Ian Blair got a Knighthood and Cressida Dick is Chief of the Metropolitan police. 96 people die at a football match,no one held responsible. 73 people die in a Tower block fire,no one held responsible. Now there is legislation which protects the police and military from prosecution.
During the strike, some Met Police were based at Snig Hill station in Sheffield. On Friday they set off home, and when the SYP came back inside the TV was missing from the break room. They had to chase the Met police van down the Parkway to get it back.
Priti Patel talks the talk today, but you watch nothing be done about this at all. Remember also that freemasonry puts law-maker, law-keeper and law-breaker in the same room together as brothers. You can bet the one recommendation which will never be enacted is the one which would require membership of a lodge to be requisite for all serving police officers from appointment. Anyone dare to delete this post? I wonder why?
During the Miner's strike at 345 am whilst waiting for the Yorkshire Traction staff bus dressed in full tracky uniform I got assaulted for having the nerve to reply to the question of....where the fxxk do you think you're going you yorkshire barsteward....A fancy dress party where the fxxk do you think I'm going dressed like this at this time of morning.... It was an officer from the London met who banged me up against the bus shelter and gave me a good dig in the ribs was only because the staff bus turned up and the driver knew I was catching it that stopped me getting a good hiding that numbers on their uniform either