Unless I'm missing something, complaining about women being allowed on TV makes you look like a massive ****. Is that clear enough for you?
When she first did the snooker she was very wooden, no Hazel Irvine, but she's learned quickly and is a lot better now.
Eniola Aluka is brilliant, think her analysis is spot on , Keane and Vierra are like something from the Muppets
Can anyone translate the OP please? Hungary v Portugal boring studio apart from Gary then real deal v Francev Germany.Please stop this some **** I understand the first part "Hungary v Portugal boring studio apart from Gary" so we'll ignore that and move on to the rest "then real deal v Francev Germany.Please stop this some ****" Real deal v France v Germany? What? A three way match? Please stop this some **** What?
Given the proximity of the letters on a keyboard I think "some" is meant to be "woke". It's hard to type on a phone screen with trotters to be fair.
It's always amused me how people that are the most bigoted are the ones that are simultaneously in the "People coming here should learn to speak English" and the "I can't string a ******* sentence together" camps.
Do not start with me,you know what I was trying to say,I agree about inclusivity but it is a farce how they take it to the extremes ,it should not even be a thing we think about,let’s hope one day everyone just looks at people sat there and not anything else
That's the thing though isn't it? I didn't even think for one second why is there a woman there? But you did. Why is that? Why did you believe it to be so wrong that you questioned it?