Hate everything Trump does ? You mean like call his intelligence staff liars whilst sticking up for Putin saying he doesn’t think he’s doing the things British ,CIA, and any other western intelligence agencies have said he’s doing even though Russian Agents have been poisoning so called dissidents in other countries including Britain where our own citizens have died and put at risk . yeah good ol Trump it seems to me you’re the one with communist sympathies on this board .
Did I say one good word about Trump there? Idk why you're crying or triggered at me. I was just thinking more like how they lied about him constantly. @DannyWilsonLovechild Yeah I have time for Bernies ideas but I hate tribalism in politics. He's like Trump but in the other direction when it comes to supporters. Lefties don't really get anywhere when they keep trying to cancel eachother either like how Elizabeth Warren did to Bernie.
I'm sticking to the actual dictionary definition of the word woke, not what others interpret to suit their own agendas, and admit to proudly being woke.
Sorry but it’s hard for me to get my head around the richest country in the world denying care and protection to some of its citizens whilst spending billions bombing poor neighbourhoods in the Middle East .
interesting. I suppose those who fought against fascism were the actual fascists and Hitler was the good guy. One view of history I suppose.
Proud to be against comedy. Patrice O'Neil RIP used to destroy woke culture before it was even a thing lol. Ricky Gervais at the Oscars, Bill Burr, Dave Chappelle, check them out. PS; Is this you? @Marlon When did I ever want to deny any care to anyone? You're just talking total nonsense and having a conversation among yourself that you think involves me, but it doesn't. It's like me if I randomly started to talk about UK-Ireland relations when the conversation isn't about that. Please don't mention me again with nonsense.
Being against injustice, racism, misogyny, ignorance, intolerance is me. If that means I'm against you and your beliefs, so be it.
I'm a fully paid up member of woke , lefty club - and proud ! Think I'm a socialist as well - double win.
Your statement was that anti fascists are facists. No more no less. My grandad for example fought in both the Spanish civil war and later against both the Germans and Japanese. Would have been an interesting conversation to hear you call him a facist. You are aware of course that we had a war thing where millions of people died. Whole cities destroyed. Slightly more radical than a few saddos burning a flag.
I’ve never had a desire to burn a flag; but you know what it’s really useful for? Flushing out the fascists Burn a flag and then round up all the people that object; because they’re always the bad guys, those that defend a flag before they’d clothe a refugee or feed a starving immigrant. They’re the enemy of civilisation.
I meant US in general but then you knew that . If you post your views on here expect to be challenged it’s not a I’ll say what I want and don’t challenge me board ! Say what you want on Ireland I’m not going to stop you i may once again hold your views to be challenged . Talking of nonsense Patrice O’Neil only destroyed WOKE culture as you put it to like minded people it wasn’t a Normandy landing Moment more a Il Duce rally .
It's odd when people are triggered by a flag being burnt. It's a piece of symbolic cloth and burning it is a symbolic response to that country's failings, yet some people take it personally, maybe because they've got no real identify of their own beyond the flag's symbolism.
So @tomaiba 3rd time lucky maybe? How long after the insurrection did you genuinely believe Antifa were behind it? Its a simple enough question; you’re happy to tell us what we think you think, you’re happy to tell us what you think we believe (without foundation) but pretty short on what you actually believe
Just FYI, your agenda, or perhaps (charitably) source, is coming through clearly with your very pointed use of the word "organisation". I do so love the "concerned centrist" position.
There is zero challenging or rational discussion, just irrelevant points and leftist screeching. Literal screeching like children. Me: The antifa origination aren't actually anti-fascist, it's a misleading name, they're bad, quite fascists themselves and want to literally kill police officers. This board: NAZIS BAD! THEY BURN THE US FLAG BUT ARE THE SAME AS WW2 SOLDIERS! REFUGEES! TRUMP AND PUTIN!! AMERICA SHOULD TAKE CARE OF PPL MY GRANDDAD FOUGHT IN WARS!! PROUD WOKE!! ..Like okay. You guys reek of desperation and white guilt. I think every single one of you is a closet racist, lacking political knowledge since everything is black and white to you there is no middle ground. Now you're all defending burning my nations flag and acting like Antifa are the same as WW2 soldiers and not an organisations/movement.. Also am I "triggered" by flag burning? No, it's a form of free speech but the screeching you guys are doing is triggering lol. Their name, anti-fascist is a good thing, but they have nothing in common with that name. They are domestic terrorists who literally want to kill police officers, that is not exaggerated.
I bet you use the N word more than Hunter Biden. Definite closet racist energy. I love Barnsley but sometimes I forget that you all sang about a black mans penis (Diaby) ..Kinda strange and not in line with your woke culture. I've heard racism in the Barnsley stadium too.. I assume it's just all you guys now you feel guilty.