See, the thing is. These kids make a video. They have a bit of a giggle. The next thing you know, some group with the intent of causing fear say these people are antifa and are satanic ritualists. Then people down the rabbit hole whip themselves into a frenzy that there are literally hundreds of millions of these people that are out to kill the police. There are police who wilfully shoot black people for no evident reason. There will be some who want to kill police. There will be some who support black lives matter. Some who support equality. What you're doing is conflating all these people under an identity that doesn't even make sense.
So -Pro killing cops -Anti freedom of speech -Pro burning the US flag (even though they're the same side as WW2 veterans apparently) -Pro satanism Seems peaceful and friendly to me
I wonder if my Grandads,Great Granddads, Great Great Granddads & so on, how would they have reacted to such a slur whilst in the trenches, they were all "Lefties"
Yep, all old white men. All fake woke racist guilt truthers. Nothing but satanic sludge munchers here.
Went to a Gothic wedding a few years ago. Plenty of Satanic ritualistic stuff, everyone having a good laugh. No mention of God bothering stuff, good snap, cracking real ale and the best music. No one was sacrificed, no animals were harmed (barring a dog dressed up in a vampire suit and the fish to go with our chips and mushys). The couple were so Satanic they had vegan and veggie options.
I support Anti Fascists ! Of course i do ! Your doing a Trump and branding anti fascist s as a movement which it isn’t . It’s an American thing where there has to be a bad guy to turn the nation against . My grandparents were killed by fascists and I’ll fight them anywhere they rear their ugly head. Anti Fascist means one thing to me and it’s what it says on the tin . No Trump narrative to turn a nation against an imaginary foe to dutiful his foul deeds and rally the rabble .
I'm definitely an old, white man. For holding the views I do, there's probably some people who'd regard me as a traitor to my race!
That's a hell of a lot of words you're putting in my mouth. Although to be honest I'd probably say I am pro-satanism based on what I understand of The Satanic Temple - not Satan worshipping at all but rather focusing on promotion of equality and separation of church and state.
Right, sadly I have to go. I have to conduct a satanic ritual in my garden. I'll be burning black things in a nod to my fake woke racism, until they turn to ash before placing raw meat above them. I'll then heartily eat that meat, maybe licking my lips and making obscene noises of approval. I mean, some might call it a barbecue....
Just because you're not a blatantly racist EDL or whatever the hot racist thing is now doesn't mean you're not ignorant. I support you for some level of openness and tolerance at least. It seems pretty clear that no one on here really understands what the Antifa movement or woke culture is really about, and when I give examples people just defend it anyway. Defend the indefensible really. Brits are just so smart, Americans so dumb.