I hope you're right that it 'isn't happening today' - my guess is that it is - look at the representation of 'Black Lives' in management posts in most organisations. If they're under-represented then something isn't right.
How do you think people perceive someone who is Anti Anti Fascist ? As I said to you earlier on your either for or against fascism if you’re against you’re Antifa . Just because Trump u Now you’re just ranting incoherently tbh. Only one organisation tried to overthrow US democracy and almost succeeded and when it failed the president tried to deny them although he told them he loved them after the event . Hypocrisy and you’re part of the problem but can’t see further than the end of your nose . Just hope the decent citizens of US keep these charlatans away from the presidency ever again for all our sakes .
Too late for your white liberal bleating mate. Have you not read all of this thread? They've got you down as thinking all on here are secret racists. Or white supremacists. Or summat.
Not tbh , just because I condemn Trump doesn’t mean I endorse Biden at all . As I’ve said in another post only one organisation came close to hijacking democracy and it wasn’t The Anti Fascists . People like Tomaiba have been given a make believe stooge and have bit. The Anti fascists are scapegoats and not even a threat , the ones breaking the law are criminals pure and simple . The man who caused the insurrection has got away Scot free and yet some of them still think Antifa is the enemy .
I'm anti fascist, the antifa movement is not. They've simply hijacked language. I've explained time after time I can't help that you're too stupid to see a difference. Liberals in the United States have condemned riots, antifa and woke culture.
I’m too stupid ? im not the one spouting ghost stories from a man that tried to steal another presidential term by rabble rousing . If some one that are not what they say they are (Antifa) then that’s false pretences it’s not a reason to condemn anyone who’s anti fascist as the same . That’s like saying all Muslims or Irish are Terrorists . F you’re seeing someone stupid you must be looking in the mirror or you’re so indoctrinated you’re almost robotic . Your listening to too many US billionaire planet killers that’s got too much to lose with a fair society .
You've literally compared Antifa to witchcraft in this thread and then called other people stupid. Who said comedy was dead eh?
No it's not because I've never once condemned a single anti fascist, ever in my whole life. Not one. You're just an idiot. Seriously I disagree with 98% of this thread but no one here is as dumb as you. You don't have an ounce of truth, you just keep lying and lying.
No I didn't? I said sometimes you see antifa members doing weird witchcraft things.. Which is true. A lot of them are blue haired, poly, trans witches who burn flags and say ACAB... And old white men from Barnsley apparently. Note I have nothing against blue haired or trans people or any person at all.. Unless they identify as antifa but even then a lot of them are ignorant to what they're even involved with. They just think anyone not them is a Nazi.
I’ll take that as a compliment . Anyone who almost had their democracy wiped away in one evening and then the person responsible tells them he’s not the enemy then fed a ghost story as a narrative and believes it